Page 15 - Alliance for Dade 2025
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Rosie Mae’s Alpaca Farm, Boutique, & Coffee Shop
Meet the animals that inspired
the Lewis family to open their
farm and coffee shop. Did you
know, alpacas are naturally
hypoallergenic because they do
not produce the allergens dander
or lanolin. Shop for alpaca wool
products sourced from Peru
and nearby alpaca farms while
sipping specialty coffees made
by Mean Mug Coffee Roasters in
nearby Chattanooga and don’t
forget your camera to take some
keepsake photos with those adorable alpacas.
American Legion Post 106 550 Old Birmingham Hwy., Wildwood, GA
Military Museum Trenton
The American Legion Military
Museum displays artifacts from Covenant College West Brow
the War of 1812 through the wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan. Personal On the border of Georgia and
displays by Dade residents reveal Tennessee, Covenant College, a
moments during World War II, Korea, Christian liberal arts college, is
and Vietnam. Open Fridays and on a serenely beautiful 400-acre
Saturdays 10am-2pm and by 13205 North Main St. campus that stretches atop
special appointment. Trenton, GA 30752 Lookout Mountain. Situated at
706-657-5275 | the narrowest part of Lookout
Mountain, the view from historic
Covenant College encompasses
incredible vistas of the Smoky
Mountains across seven states.
Wilderness Outdoor Theater Slygo Carter Hall, the signature
building on the campus built in
Recline and relax in the region’s largest outdoor theater with 1,000 1928, was originally the Lookout Mountain Hotel, a luxury resort
parking spaces for two screened feature films. Watch from your car often referred to as “The Castle in the Clouds” and was known
or bring chairs and blankets for grassy hillside viewing. Open spring to welcome many wealthy visitors and celebrities.
through fall weekends. Cash only. A full-service concession stand offers 14049 Scenic Hwy., Lookout Mountain, GA
everything from hot dogs to popcorn. 706-820-1560 I
217 Old Hales Gap Rd., Trenton, GA 30752
706-657-8411 |
706-657-4488 | V isitDadeGA.c om 7