Page 39 - Athens New Comers Guide 2020
P. 39

Poised  for Growth
 Athens-  Ben Epps Airport

        Mathews said he and his staff are    “That will change the face of the   Charlotte, NC and to/from Nashville,
        continuously working on projects     airport,” Mathews said, noting that it   TN, but all commercial service
        at the airport to modernize the      will give more room for aircraft to park   ceased in 2014. Mathews said prior
        infrastructure and make it safer. For   in front of the terminal.       to COVID-19, the City had been in
        example, the main runway was rebuilt                                    discussions with American Airlines to
        in FY2019 using SPLOST funds,        Other projects include construction   reestablish service between Athens
        replacing asphalt that was 20 to 30   of a transient aircraft hangar and   and Charlotte. Since the pandemic
        years old, providing new signage,    improvements to the terminal       created many challenges for the
        new high intensity runway lights,    baggage area and parking lot.      nation’s airlines, the City remains
        and pavement improvements at                                            open to other opportunities.
        intersections and adjoining runways.   Reestablishing commercial air
                                             service at AHN stands to have a
        “I am proud to say that as of last year,   tremendous economic impact in   “We’re still talking with other airlines,”
        the airport is not dependent on taking   the region. To assist with recruiting   Mathews said. He said that a market
        any money from the Athens-Clarke     passenger service, AHN was awarded   study proves the need is there. “The
        County Unified Government general    a $750,000 Small Community Air     selling of Athens to an airline is easy.”
        fund to fund our operations and is   Service Development Program
        totally self-supporting,” Mathews    (SCASDP) grant from the U.S.       Mathews, who came to AHN in 2018,
        said. “In addition, we get most of our   Department of Transportation.  is excited for the growth he sees at
        project money from the FAA and                                          the airport and its potential. “Working
        GDOT (90% FAA, 5% GDOT, and 5%       “The opportunity to expand into    with a lot of these forward-thinking
        local). This money goes a long way   passenger service will usher in the   folks in Athens is a breath of fresh air,”
        for us to build new and repair existing   next phase of economic development,   Mathews said. He said that talking to
        infrastructure. Our 5% matching funds   including the creation of hundreds   the airlines has been exciting for him
        come from local SPLOST money.”       of new jobs, an immediate expansion
                                             of the hospitality industry in Athens,   as he sees progress being made.
        With the improved runway, AHN can    and expanded tax benefits for all
        now accept Boeing 737, Airbus A320,   Athenians,” said Athens Chamber   As the effects of the pandemic recede
        and Airbus A321 aircraft. This runway   President David Bradley.        in 2021, Athens-Ben Epps Airport is
        work is soon to be followed by a                                        looking forward to the many ways it
        rebuild of taxiway alpha that connects   AHN has previously had scheduled   can serve aviators, passengers, and
        to the main runway.                  commercial air service to/from     the general economy of the region.

            Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • (706) 549-6800     Athens-Ben Apps Airport      35
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