Page 45 - Blairsville NCG 2024
P. 45

The Union County Development         Ridge Mountain Electric Membership
        Authority introduces new industrial and       Corporation (EMC)
        manufacturing operations to the area.     • Industrial revenue bond financing at
        They come because: Pad-ready sites are       low rates for project-related costs of
        in the Airport Industrial Park; healthy       land, facilities, and equipment  11,958     11,642           BUSINESS  &  INDUSTR Y
        infrastructure and strategic logistics     • Ad valorem tax abatements for
        position Union County as an ideal       qualified projects                 LABOR          EMPLOYED
        destination to grow a business.      • 100% freeport exemptions for raw    FORCE
        Business incentives include:           materials, goods in-process, and
          • Low-cost financing and grant/loan       finished goods being shipped out
            packages through Tennessee Valley       of state
            Authority (TVA), OneGeorgia         • Site subsidies for qualifying projects
            Authority, Georgia Departments       • Expedited permitting in cooperation
            of Community Affairs, Revenue,         with  city and county agencies and   86,663      2.6
            and Economic Development, and Blue       possibly reduced or waived fees
                                                                                 AREA LABOR     UNEMPLOYMENT

                                                                                   763             5.75  %

                                                                                 EMPLOYERS       GA CORPORATE
                                                                                                   TAX RATE

                                                                                $59,783          $34,630
                                                                                   MEDIAN         PER CAPITA
                                                                                 HOUSEHOLD          INCOME

                                                                                  87.7  %          24.9
                                                                                H.S. DIPLOMA      BACHELOR’S
                                                                                 OR HIGHER        OR HIGHER
                                                                                   (25 and older)  (25 and older)

                                                                                Sources: ESRI 2023, GA Dept. of Labor Area Labor Profile
                                                                                 A variety of State financial incentives
                                                                               also are in place for businesses starting and
                                                                               relocating in Union County, including a
                                                                               jobs tax credit of $1,750 per job created
                                                                               (minimum 15 annually).

                                                                               CAREER PATHWAYS
                                                                                 Union County’s public school district
                                                                               is among the best in the state and offers
                                                                               programs for high school students to
                                                                               prepare them for the skilled workforce.
                                                                               The school system includes a College
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