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Let’s Make it a Date

                                                                           Annual Events
                                                                           Litter Sweep – April
                                                                           Unite with your community for a cleaner Burke County. This is
                                                                           a great opportunity for families, civic clubs, church groups, and
                                                                           business sponsors to see how much difference one person, one
                                                                           team, can make. Cash prizes are awarded.

             Growing Business. Building Community.                         Golf Classic – May
                                                                           Whether or not you golf, there are ways to participate in
                                                                           this annual tournament that brings together Chamber
                                                                           members for a game of golf, a Ball Drop, and opt-in Fantasy
             Why Join the Chamber?                                         Cards that fundraise, with prizes, to better our community’s
                                                                           business environment.
           It’s Your Access to Success

        W        e invite you to join our growing     •  We also provide access to a

                 Chamber family of 640+
                                           networking and marketing system,
                                           along with mentorship with successful
                 members – the vast majority
                 in Burke County comprising of
        retail, professional services, manufacturers,       business members.
        healthcare providers, public/private   Members have access to other members’
        schools and colleges, financial institutions,   contacts, creating opportunities for joint
        municipal and county governments, nonprofit   ventures with other local businesses.   Business Showcase – October
        organizations, visitor attractions, news media,   Businesses interested in Burke County   Chamber members display their products and services to local
        and other organizations.       will benefit from membership with the   residents. “It’s a huge networking event for people to meet each
                                       Chamber as it shares research on the best   other, get to know each other and build relationships with one
          •  We assist businesses with finding   locations for new businesses and verifies   another,” said Chamber President/CEO Tonia Stephenson. “It’s so
            needed startup cash, less expensive   needed resources, raw materials, and   much easier to do business when you first build relationships.”
            business insurance, resources,   available transportation. The Chamber
            products, and services to assist in   also advocates on behalf of businesses   Annual Meeting – November
            the growth of their businesses.   on government issues.        Join us as we reflect on and celebrate our accomplishments and
                                                                           learn what we anticipate as we move ahead. Business Person of
                                                                           the Year, Business of the Year, Emerging Leader of the Year and
                                                                           StrongLead Leader of the Year awards are presented.

                                                                           Monthly Events
                                                                           Emerging Leaders is the Burke County Young Professionals
                                                                           organization. Burke County Emerging Leaders is open to
                                                                           all young professionals ages 21-40. We support the young
                                                                           professionals in our county by creating more networking
                                                                           opportunities and opportunities to give back to our community.
                                                                           Emerging Leaders is a partnership of the Chamber and Burke
                                                                           United Way.

                                                                           Bi-Monthly Events
                                                                           Coffee and Conversation gives local business leaders
                                                                           opportunities to get to know elected officials and to inspire
                                                                           dialogue on advocacy for sustainable growth in our pro-
                                                                           business environment.
                                                                           Business 4 Breakfast showcases select leaders sharing the
                                                                           latest successful business practices, resources and more.
                                                                           Attendees hear an informative talk, enjoy a delicious breakfast,
                                                                           and mingle with other business professionals in a relaxed and
                                                                           friendly environment.                                                                    Serving Burke  11
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