Page 23 - Camden Kershaw 2020
P. 23

Boykin:                                                      Where the unusual

                                                                     becomes normal

           Boykin Company  Store owners (from left) Alice, Allie and Wayne Belger stand on the store’s front porch.

          f you blink while traveling to and or   Belger  moved  to  Boykin  when  he   holds  barred  event  will  return  in  2020,
          from Sumter to Camden, you might   married native Alice Boykin in 1994 and   Belger said.
       Imiss  it.  If  you  take  a  few  minutes   he has never looked back. He has become
       to  stop  and  visit,  you  may  never  forget   engrained  in  an  area  and  a  way  of  life   Known by many as the world’s wackiest
       Boykin.                             which is vanishing in this techno-fueled   Christmas  parade,  some  70  tractors,
                                           age.                                 manure-spreaders  pontoons  and  crazy
       Nestled along Highway 521 sits the tiny                                  floats,  take  their  place  in  and  among
       town with a big heart, a colorful history   “We  still  have  the  sense  of  community   marchers,  revelers  ---  including  the
       and even more to like for its population   which  Boykin  was  founded  on  back  in   annual  appearance  of  the  Fat  Back
       of less than 200 residents. Wayne Belger   the early 1700s,” said Belger of the way   Queen  ---  and  Santa  and  Mrs.  Claus
       is  fine  with  living  a  simple  life  in  an   in  which  residents  go  about  their  daily   making  their  way  along  Boykin’s
       area  which  is  big  on  history,  natural   lives. “It’s like a large family.”  main  thoroughfare  for  an  event  which
       attractions,  acre  upon  acre  of  farmland                             has  entertained  thousands  of  gleeful
       and a breed which serves as the official   That family extends hundreds-fold each   spectators for 25 years.
       dog  of  the  Palmetto  State,  the  Boykin   December,  when  the  community  hosts
       Spaniel.                            the  Boykin  Christmas  Parade.  The  no-  In this Covid-19 era, a wrinkle could be
       34  s  Discover Camden-Kershaw County  s  2020/2021
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