Page 20 - Chatsworth-Murray NCG
P. 20

To enroll in Murray County Public Schools,
                                                                                                                 visit the centralized enrollment center at 1004
                                                                                                                 Green Rd., Chatsworth, Monday through Friday,
                                                                                                                 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

                                                                                                                         Educators in
                                                                                                              Murray County Schools BELIEVE:

                                                                                                             1              All children can learn.

                                                                                                             2              High expectations result in
                                                                                                                            high achievement.
                                                                                                                            High school graduation is the key
       A Desire to Learn                                                                                     4              to lifelong success.
                                                                                                                            E ective relationships are based on
                                                                                                                            respect, trust, and honest communication.
                                                                                                                            Technology empowers
                                                                                                             6              21st Century learners.
                                                                                                                            Parent and community involvement
         Education for All                                                                                                  increases student achievement.
                                                                                                             7              Students learn best within facilities
                                                                                                                            that are safe, sanitary, and secure.

        M        urray County residents are   15:1, which means attention is given to   In partnership with Georgia Northwestern
                                            students who are learning and growing up
                                                                                Technical College and Dalton State College,
                  proud of their first-class
                                                                                Murray County Public Schools has one of
                                            together. At the close of the 2022 school
                  public school system, private
                  schools, and access to higher   year, Grades 3-8 achieved above state   the leading dual enrollment programs in   Our Vision
                 education. Students are thriving   averages in mathematics and reading, and   the state, which allows high school students
        here, earning numerous regional awards   the high schools are above state averages   to simultaneously earn high school and
        and state championships in career-inspiring   for American literature and algebra.  college credits. The school system also has   Committed to student
        pursuits including arts, sciences, agriculture,   Students receive a foundation for   a strong, work-based learning component   success … no exceptions,
                                                                                that connects classroom experience to
        music, and sports.
                                            lifelong learning through a rigorous   career goals.                                 no excuses!
                                            academic curriculum, comprehensive 21st
        The Murray County Public School system is   century career, technical and agriculture   The recent academic year sent students to
        comprised of a Pre-K center and 11 schools   pathways, and extensive opportunities   state championships in basketball, wrestling,
        with current enrollment of more than 6,800   for extracurricular participation in the arts,   tennis, band, public speaking, arts, and
        students. The student to teacher ratio is   athletics, and leadership.  robotics. Young Georgia Authors were

                                                                                                                            Our Mission

     16     Education                                                                                                        Murray County Schools

                                                                                                                           instills within our students
                                                                                                                             the desire to learn, to
                                                                                                                              graduate from high
                                                                                                                              school, and to become
                                                                                                                               productive citizens.
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