Page 18 - Clayton Newcomers Guide 2020
P. 18

Gillem Logistics Center

              Continues to Expand by Andr
                                                                                         by Andrew Smithew Smith

                                layton County’s prime
                                business location in
                                metro Atlanta continues
                                to be a major asset for
            the community. The steady
            development of the Gillem
            Logistics Center is proof of how
            Clayton County is capitalizing on
            its proximity to the world’s busiest
            airport and five interstate highways.   property in 2007. Forest Park   development project’s progress.
              Located in the City of Forest   Development Partners oversees the   “We’re here to bring in commerce
            Park, in the northeast portion of   planning, marketing, and project   and new jobs. That’s the most critical
            Clayton County, Gillem Logistics   management of Gillem Logistics    thing we can do for this community.”
            Center has become a hub for large   Center while maintaining the rights     The state-of-the-art regional
            warehousing operations and a job                                     distribution and e-commerce
            creator for the area. The 1,168-acre   to develop a significant portion of   logistics center is fully zoned
            master planned industrial park    the property.                      for industrial use, with new
            was established on the site of the     According to John Gaskin,     infrastructure that includes a four-
            former Fort Gillem Army Base,     Director of Build-to-Suit          lane divided spine road, a Georgia
            which was phased out by the U.S.   Development for Forest Park       Power substation and fiber optic
            Government beginning in 2005 as   Development Partners, the closure   within the park.
            part of the Base Realignment and   of the military base resulted in the     At full capacity, the site can
            Closure (BRAC) Act.               loss of 10,000 jobs, which was a   accommodate more than 8 million
              Forest Park Development         huge hit to the local economy.     square feet of industrial space and
            Partners, LLC, a partnership        “Gillem Logistics Center has     1.5 million square feet of mixed-
            between Robinson Weeks Partners   been a catalyst to replace the     use buildings.
            and Starwood Capital, was named   many jobs that were lost when the     In addition to the modern facilities
            master developer for the          base closed,” Gaskin said of the   and top-notch infrastructure, Gillem
                                                                                 Logistics Center has been attracting
                                                                                 major businesses with its ideal
                                                                                 location. The development is within
                                                                                 4.5 miles of Hartsfield Jackson
                                                                                 International Airport, 12 miles from
                                                                                 downtown Atlanta, and close to
                                                                                 I-285, I-75 and I-85.
                                                                                 It is within

    14   Clayton County Chamber of Commerce Community Guide • • 678-610-4021                                                                                  Clayton County Chamber of Commerce Community Guide • • 678-610-4021
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