Page 29 - Clayton Newcomers Guide 2020
P. 29

Arts & Culture

                                                                                                     Spivey Hall

            Enjoy a Front Row Seat

            Exploring the artistic side of Clayton County – music, theatre, art and   enhanced sound and lighting. The facility
            event venues – will have you giving a standing ovation. Creativity is   supports the Martha Ellen Stilwell School of
                                                                                 the Arts and the district’s Fine Arts Magnet
            one of the many features that make Clayton County great.             program, as well as other area performing
                                                                                 arts organizations that book the facility’s
                    layton State University’s elegant,   Spivey Hall has presented the best in jazz   performance space.
                    400-seat Spivey Hall, known as   and classical music to the metro Atlanta area.
                    the “Carnegie Hall of the South,”   Its renowned Concert Series receives regular      The visual arts have a prominent place
                    is the heart of Clayton County’s   national and international attention as one   in Clayton County, as well. Arts Clayton
            C arts community. Since 1991,     of America’s finest, and the Hall’s acoustics   is a dynamic leader in arts programming
                                              and design are routinely lauded by patrons,   with professional caliber exhibits and a
                                              pundits and performers.            commitment to arts education. The Arts
                                                 The visual centerpiece of Spivey’s
                                              breathtaking design is the Albert Schweitzer
                                              Memorial Pipe Organ, a 79-rank, 3-manual,
                                              4,413-pipe organ, built and installed by
                                              Fratelli Ruffatti of Padua, Italy. For more
                                              information and upcoming events, visit:
                                                 Clayton State University also supports
                                              the Crescent Theatre, which offers student
                                              performances that provide a hands-on
                                              approach to the craft, with training in acting
                                              and singing, dance, solo performance, and
                                              technical design. Productions feature talented
                                              students and professional production values,   Clayton Gallery is the south metro’s only
                                              staged and designed by high caliber artists   nonprofit community art facility showcasing
                                              who are professionals in the industry. For   a wide variety of Georgia artists. The year-
                                              more information and upcoming events,   round schedule of exhibits includes juried
                                              visit     competitions, college and student exhibits,
                                                 The Clayton County Public Schools   as well as national touring exhibitions. The
                                              operates the Performing Arts Center (PAC)   annual holiday shopping bazaar features a
                                              which serves as a community entertainment   wide variety of Master Crafts and Georgia
                                              complex. The PAC provides a stage to meet   Made artisan food products. The Gallery
                                              the needs of the schools and provides a   is open free to the public. The education
                                              venue for performance of our fine arts   initiative has received state and national
                                              students. The PAC boasts a seating capacity   awards for curriculum-based, after-school
                                              of 1,800, a 6,000-square-foot auditorium   art programs, artists residencies, and a
                           Arts Clayton Gallery  stage, an electrically operated orchestra pit,   new focus on STEAM (Science, Technology,
                                              two performance rooms, and professionally   Engineering, Art and Math) education. Arts

                                                              Clayton County Chamber of Commerce Community Guide • • 678-610-4021  25
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