Page 42 - Clayton Newcomers Guide 2020
P. 42


           At each grade level, one of the seven pillars
        will promote and instill a sense of unity and
        build the capacity of students to become
        adults who contribute to enhancing the
        education of future generations, specifically
        those from their community and alumni.
        Current career pathways include construction
        architecture and computer science with more
        in development.
        •  7 Pillars Career Academy
         4234 Hendrix Dr., Bldg. C
         Forest Park, GA 30297
         404-500-1294                                                                  Information Technology Project
            Colleges and Universities      three new junior colleges for the University      As part of the NCAA Division II and Peach
                                           System, one of which was designated for   Belt Conference, Clayton State fields teams
          Clayton State University         south metropolitan Atlanta. Clayton State   in men’s and women’s soccer, cross country,
           Clayton State University is a higher   University opened in 1969 as Clayton Junior   basketball, indoor and outdoor track. The
        education institution where “dreams are   College. The Board of Regent elevated the   Clayton State Lakers have enjoyed much
        made real.” The university serves the south   institution to baccalaureate status – as Clayton   success in their 23-year history, including
        metro Atlanta area and enrolls nearly 7,000   State College – in 1986, to university status –   when the women’s basketball team won the
        students. Clayton State offers students   as Clayton College & State University – in 1996   national championship by sweeping the six
        engaging and experiential learning   and approved the present name in May 2005.  games of the NCAA tournament in 2011.
        experiences in a supportive environment      Currently, Clayton State offers 35 bachelor’s   The 2016-2017 men’s basketball team
        that values diversity and empowers   degree majors and eight master’s degree   was named the 2017 PBC West Division
        students to be leaders on campus and in    programs including the Master of Science in   Champions after a 71-70 win over Montevallo.
        the community.                     Nursing, Master of Business Administration,   •  Clayton State University
           Located in Morrow, Georgia, the main   Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Archival   2000 Clayton State Blvd.
        campus is situated on 214 acres with six   Studies, and Master of Psychology.  Morrow, GA 30260
        lakes in a park-like setting, creating a      Since Dr. Thomas Hynes began his tenure   678-466-4000
        peaceful learning environment. Spivey Hall,   as president in 2010, Clayton State has
        the Southeast’s leading small performance   been marked by several accomplishments
        venue, presents the best jazz and classical   including being ranked fourth among   DID YOU
        music, as well as education outreach to   state universities in economic impact by
        thousands of schoolchildren throughout   the University of Georgia’s Selig Center for
        metro Atlanta. The University also has   Economic Growth, ranking fifth among   KNOW ?
        additional office and instructional sites   public regional colleges in the South by
        in Fayette, Henry, and Rockdale counties   U.S. News & World Report, and being called a   Clayton State University currently offers
        to offer distance learning courses to   “treasure of a Georgia university” by James   35 bachelor’s degree majors and eight
        neighboring communities.           magazine. Clayton State also has been         master’s degree programs.
           The beginning of the University can be   named to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s
        traced to 1965 when the Board of Regents of   list of the Top 100 Workplaces in Atlanta six
        the University System of Georgia authorized   consecutive times.
                                                                               Atlanta Technical College
                                                                                For more than half a century, Atlanta
                                                                             Technical College has changed the lives
                                                                             of individuals and families, and its impact
                                                                             can be felt through generations. Serving
                                                                             Clayton County as well as the City of Atlanta
                                                                             and Fulton County, ATC offers more than
                                                                             150 academic programs, solid business
                                                                             and industry partnerships, and diverse
                                                                             continuing education offerings.
                                                                                In 2019, the college opened ATC South
                                                                             in Clayton County, which serves as an
                                                                             extension of the main campus, providing
                                               Atlanta Technical College Bioscience Lab  students access to resources such as the
                                                                             campus store, business office, testing center,

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