Page 49 - Clayton Newcomers Guide 2022
P. 49

When a Plan

         Comes Together

                    Kaiser Permanente moved quickly to respond to pandemic

                                                    By Michael Hall
         C         harisse Braxton knew well   affordable healthcare to members and the   doses given in Clayton County. That is

                                                                                 around a quarter of the total vaccine
                                            communities it serves, Braxton said.
                   why Kaiser Permanente
                                              “That part of the mission was put to the
                                                                                 shots administered countywide. Around
                   has emergency plans in
                   place. Any good healthcare
                                              The crew at Southwood passed with
                                                                                 County has received at least one dose of
         operation must, to ensure they are ready   test throughout the last two years,” she said.   49 percent of the population in Clayton
         for any circumstance. But the thought of   flying colors. Putting their own health   the vaccine, she said.
         actually having to use the plan for a public   on the line, the healthcare workers at     Addressing disparities in African
         health emergency seemed far-fetched.   Southwood provided thousands of tests for   American residents was particularly
           Then 2020 happened and Braxton was   both Kaiser members and non-members.   important to the Southwood facility, Braxton
         reminded just how important those plans                                 added, as nearly 70 percent of Clayton
         truly are.                                                              County residents are Black. While there has
           “I never thought we would have to   This was a public health emergency,   still been roughly 3 percent fewer African
         actually enact those plans,” said Braxton,   We felt the need and the obligation   Americans versus other races to receive at
         Kaiser Permanente’s Senior Director of   to make sure we were vaccinating   least one dose of the vaccine, that is much
         Clinical Operations for the South Service   not only our members but also non-  smaller than other vaccines such as the
         Area of the KPGA Health Plan. “This was a   members. We had to figure out how to   annual flu vaccine, which sees a disparity of
         time when every healthcare agency, every   take care of the community at large.  around 8 or 9 percent, Braxton said.
         regulatory branch, every public health       Charisse Braxton             “So, we were able to achieve a higher
         official had to pull together to address                                percentage of vaccination among the
         this emergency.”                                                        African American population than for other
           The emergency was the COVID-19    They set up vaccine clinics at each stage   vaccines,” she said.
         pandemic, which changed the world as   of the vaccine rollout in Georgia, and     Kaiser continues to do its part in the
         everyone knows it, especially for those   they worked with other local healthcare   battle against COVID-19 – providing as
         working in healthcare. Business as usual   providers, such as Southern Regional   many as 500 tests per day and continuing
         became a figment of the imagination and   Medical Center and the Clayton County   to provide vaccinations – but has also
         new, always evolving challenges became   Health Department, to ensure local folks   begun to look to its future in Clayton
         the norm. That is when the group at Kaiser   had access to what they needed to fight   County. That includes expanding services
         Permanente’s Southwood Comprehensive   the virus.                       locally to address healthcare disparities in
         Medical Center put plans into action and     So far, Braxton reported that as of the   south metro Atlanta.
         contributed greatly to Clayton County’s   end of January 2022, Kaiser’s Southwood     “Clayton County is an integral part of
         battle against the virus. Part of Kaiser’s   facility had administered more than   our strategic plan,” Braxton said. “We have
         mission is to provide high-quality,   58,000 of the roughly 300,000 vaccine   every intention of closing that gap.”
                                                                                                                47 • (678) 610-4021                                                  KAISER PERMANENTE
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