Page 43 - Clemson Area Chamber Community Guide
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Town & Gown                         Learn more at

         Tip Your Hat to a Great Partnership              By: Glenn Carson
                   lemson is not only a lovely town, but also home to a major
         C     university. While college towns have the benefit of educated

               young students, they face uncommon challenges that cities
                      without a large student population would not understand.

          Clemson city and academic leaders   in recent years, which in part can be
        created the International Town and   traced to the activities of ITGA.
        Gown Association (ITGA) in 2008. This     Kryssa Cooper, Assistant Vice
        nonprofit is geared toward a cooperative   President for Student Affairs at the
        effort that means open communication   university, serves as the Town and Gown
        and collaboration between the City of   liaison to the City of Clemson. “I foresee
        Clemson and Clemson University. The   a bright future ahead,” she said. “We have
                                            the right people in place for a robust
        idea was a hit, and soon college towns
                                            program.” Cooper added that a joint
        around the globe adopted the program.
                                            police and fire training center, and an
          ITGA has regular gatherings and shares
                                            upgrade to the Green Crescent Trail, are
        its research with chapters at colleges
                                            priorities for the near future.
        and universities. Among the topics that
                                              It is ITGA’s goal to address these
        interest the association are economic
                                            issues and anything else that may
        development, student housing, civic
                                            augment communities and how they
        engagement, and quality of life. An
                                            work together to tackle questions.
        annual conference and networking help
                                              ITGA has three committees designed
        members to learn what new projects
                                            to align engagement efforts with
        local associations are planning.
                                            the current and emerging needs of
          Clemson Mayor Robert Halfacre said
                                            its members. The Communications
        the 2023-24 academic year is the “year
                                            Committee, Racial Justice and
        of action.” He said the partnership will
                                            Equity Committee, and Professional
        lead to greater economic impact, cultural
                                            Development Committee each targets
        enrichment, and knowledge exchange.
                                            issues specific to their areas of focus.
          “Collaboration between the university     A program started in Clemson 15
        and the community fosters innovation,   years ago not only has strengthened
        research partnerships, and technology   the relationship between the two South
        enhancements,” said Halfacre.       Carolina entities, but has done so for
          Like many other areas, Clemson has   hundreds of cities and universities
        experienced unprecedented growth    around the world.
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