Page 14 - 2020 Clemson New Comers Guide
P. 14
Pendleton, Central & Six Mile
Saturdays from June-September, the Village
Founded in 1790, Pendleton is centered around Green is filled with farmers and families at
a charming village green. The entire town is the weekly Farmers Market. In the fall, more
on the National Register of Historic Places. than 100 scarecrows guard the town during
Pendleton Square offers fine antique shops, the Pendleton Fall Harvest Festival, an annual
boutiques, and several excellent restaurants. tradition that includes food, fun, entertainment,
and local arts and crafts. The holidays are
Created as a courthouse seat, the Town also a special time on Pendleton’s Historic
of Pendleton was named for Judge Henry Village Green when the Holidays in the Village
Pendleton, a Virginian who fought in the Christmas Market is held on the Saturdays
Revolution and remained in South Carolina. leading up to Christmas and the annual Town of
Until a division of the district in 1826, the town Pendleton Christmas Parade tours the square.
was one of the most influential in the upper half
of South Carolina. The initial settlement was
populated by Scots-Irish veterans.
By 1800, South
Carolina Lowcountry
plantation owners
had discovered
Pendleton as a
summer home
retreat, and the very
name of Pendleton
became a synonym Central
for refinement
and elegance.
Pendleton Community members and the Town Council
have maintained a commitment to encouraging Upstate South Carolina welcomed the
careful growth that protects the one-of-a-kind arrival of the Atlantic and Richmond Air-
character of this historic town. The Town Line Railroad Company on September 28,
Square recently received an investment of more 1873. Cutting through Pickens County,
than a million dollars to improve the streetscape the railway extending north from Atlanta
while honoring its historic aesthetic. and south from Charlotte met in the
middle at a stop that became a town
For more than 40 years, residents and visitors appropriately named Central.
have enjoyed the Spring Jubilee in Historic
Pendleton with historic tours, activities and A depot, houses, and stores were built for
games, and festive food. Attendees explore the those who worked on the railroad, and
gift shops, cafés, and antique stores around shops were built for the railway workers.
the square during this celebrated event that Engineers, conductors, and telegraph
has been called the “Best Festival” in the state operators brought their families. Finding
by the American Bus Association and a Top the refreshing climate and friendly people
Twenty Event in the Southeast by the Southeast to their liking, they built homes and
Tourism Society. settled down.
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