Page 22 - 2020 Clemson New Comers Guide
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Healthcare is another large employment presence, with   institutions at by clicking   including Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport
         AnMed Health employing more than 4,000 healthcare   Member Directory Listing under the Member tab and   which has six airlines offering approximately 100 daily
         practitioners and support personnel, and Prisma Health   selecting Finance & Insurance.         flights to 19 U.S. destinations. Additionally, the Clemson
         employing nearly 2,000 practitioners and support staff in                                       Area is about 2 hours from either Charlotte Douglas
         the Clemson Area and nearly 30,000 system wide.  Transportation & Infrastructure                International Airport or Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta
                                                         With Interstate 85 flowing through South Carolina’s   International Airport.

         Financial Institutions                          Upstate and connecting Atlanta and Charlotte and
         The Clemson Area has a wide variety of financial   beyond, the Clemson Area is known for its ability to
         institutions that ensure the banking and investment needs   efficiently transport people, goods, and services. The area   In addition, power and water capacity are plentiful, and
         of local business and residents are met. From wealth   has access to excellent interstate highways, convenient rail   the area’s electric rates are among the lowest in the nation.
         management and investment advisors to credit unions   services, and an Inland Port less than an hour’s drive from   Within South Carolina, electricity sources are diverse,
         and traditional banks, the Upstate is stacked with trusted   Clemson with rail connection to the Port of Charleston.   with nuclear, hydroelectric and coal sources feeding
         banking professionals. Review the list of local financial   Both commercial and private air service is available,   the grid.

        18                                                                                                                (864) 654-1200 |
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