Page 51 - 2020 Clemson New Comers Guide
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practices offering primary care and more than
                                                                                  25 specialties.
                                                                                  Visit or call
                                                                                  WellnessConnect, (864) 512-3748 for all
                                                                                  your primary care needs.

                                                                                  885 Tiger Blvd., Bldg. B
                                                                                  Clemson, SC 29631
                                                                                  (864) 512-2228

                                                                                  Prisma Health
                                                                                  Prisma Health, a not-for-profit health
                                                                                  company, is South Carolina’s largest private
                                                                                  healthcare employer. With nearly 30,000 team
                                                                                  members, 18 hospitals, 2,950 beds and 300+
                                                                                  physician practice sites, Prisma Health serves
                                                                                  more than 1.2 million patients annually. Its
                                                                                  goal is to improve the health of all South   It has received awards for heart and COPD
                                                                                  Carolinians by enhancing clinical quality, the   services, and has achieved Baby-Friendly
                                                                                  patient experience and access to affordable   status for delivering optimal mom-baby care.
                                                                                  care; conducting clinical research; and training
                                                                                  the next generation of medical professionals.   In 2019, the 169-bed hospital logged 42,000
                                                                                                                       emergency visits, 3,000 outpatient surgeries
                                                                                  The organization was formed in late 2017   and 500 births.
                                                                                  when Greenville Health System and Palmetto
                                                                                  Health came together, officially becoming   298 Memorial Dr.
                                                                                  Prisma Health in January 2019. Prisma   Seneca, SC 29672
                                                                                  Health’s Baptist Easley Hospital and Oconee   (864) 482-3100
                                                                                  Memorial Hospital are pleased to serve the
                                                                                  Clemson Area.
        The AnMed Health Clemson campus      art cancer care, AnMed Health offers a wide                               Baptist Easley Hospital
        includes CareConnect-AnMed Health    range of healthcare services that rivals those of  Oconee Memorial Hospital  Baptist Easley Hospital provides the
        Urgent Care, AnMed Health Clemson Family   world-class urban medical centers.  Oconee Memorial Hospital features spacious   Easley community with high-quality surgery,
        Medicine, and AnMed Health Carolina Kids.                                 patient rooms offering privacy and comfort   obstetrics, orthopedics, emergency medicine,
        In addition, there is a wide range of specialty   In addition to AnMed Health Clemson, the   – some include panoramic views of Lake   cancer and wound services, to name a few.
        rotations, such as arrhythmia, cardiology,   system also includes AnMed Health Women’s   Keowee and the Blue Ridge Mountains. The   Adjacent to the hospital are outpatient
        ENT, general surgery, OB-GYN, and    and Children’s Hospital, AnMed Health   Oconee campus includes a joint center, breast   services that include Fleetwood Convenient
        pulmonary and sleep medicine. Full laboratory  Cancer Center, AnMed Health Rehabilitation   center, dental clinic, hospice, Lila Doyle   Care. Prisma Health primary care physician
        and radiology services are available as well as   Hospital, the Oglesby Center, the Total   Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, and   offices are conveniently located throughout
        mobile mammography.                  Joint Academy, AnMed Health Cannon in   Cancer Institute site.            the community.
                                             Pickens, and two locations of CareConnect,
        Patients also have access to the entire   where urgent care is delivered without an   The hospital is a Blue Distinction Center for   200 Fleetwood Dr.
        spectrum of services offered by the AnMed   appointment during extended hours in   Maternity Care as well as for hip and knee   Easley, SC 29640
        Health system. From routine checkups to   Clemson and Anderson. The AnMed Health   replacement, which means it shows expertise   (864) 442-7602
        lifesaving, open-heart surgery to state-of-the-  Physician Network includes 50-plus physician   in patient safety and positive health outcomes.

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