Page 2 - Coffee County Board of Education - Magazine 2023
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Executive Summary

                                    A Message from Coffee County Schools

                                               Coffee County Board of Education                                                    T     he Coffee County School System     students through career academies across a
                                           1311 South Peterson Ave., Douglas, GA 31533                                                   participated in a strategic planning   variety of sectors that drive economic growth
                                                       912-384-2086                                                                      process in partnership with the Georgia   of the community. GSBA Strategic Planning
                                                                                                                                   School Board Association (GSBA) to develop   facilitators guided the most current strategic
                                                                                                                                   a new five-year strategic plan and to continue   planning process using strategies to develop a
                  June 26, 2023                                                                                                    to strengthen the school system. Planning   plan that reflects a comprehensive, community
                                                                                                                                   initially began in March 2022 and ended in May
                                                                                                                                                                            approach to the educational success of the
                   On April 26, 2022, the Coffee County School System began a formal strategic planning initiative                 2023. This process is a continuation of a very   students of Coffee County.
                   designed to transform our school system into one that provides the highest quality educational                  successful strategic planning implementation
                   experience possible for all of our students. The Board of Education adopted a resolution in                     of two five-year plans originally incorporated in   GSBA outlined a process that involved
                   August 2022 authorizing the Superintendent and staff to develop a five-year strategic plan for                  2013. The GSBA partnership brought a unique   stakeholder input, including educators,
                   implementation from 2024-2028. Our goal is to continue to become a world-class school system                    and comprehensive approach to the vision of   employers, and community leaders; review of the
                   focused on our core business of teaching and learning.                                                          creating a stronger community by providing   current mission, vision, and beliefs; conducting

                   Guided by the Georgia School Board Association (GSBA), the district began the planning process on               an excellent education to every student. The   a review of current data and feedback; and
                   September 15, 2022 by holding an engagement meeting with the school board to acquire feedback                   district maintains a focus on strengthening   identifying goals, performance objectives, and
                   regarding strengths, areas of improvement, opportunities, and threats to consider for the new five-year         the talent pool by preparing young people for   action steps for the future. The process results
                   plan from their perspective. GSBA also facilitated a community conversation in November 2022 with               college, career, the workforce, lifelong learning,   in a well-designed, targeted strategic plan with
                   a focus group of 73 participants, including business and industry leaders, healthcare representatives,          and leadership through high expectations and   measurable data points for monitoring goals
                   community and civic leaders, post-secondary institution representatives (South Georgia State College            academic rigor of college preparatory academic   and objectives for the life of the plan. Everyone
                   & Wiregrass Georgia Technical College), teachers, paraprofessionals, parents, students, and other               programs with real-world relevance and rigor of   had a voice in the creation of the strategic plan,
                   stakeholders. The purpose was to gain feedback regarding strengths, areas of improvement,
                   opportunities, and threats from various perspectives and to gain insight on the vision our citizens             career and technical education. Further, a focus   partnering in the responsibility of educating
                   have for their school system now and its future. Emails and social media posts were utilized to                 remains on providing a variety of choices for   the children of Coffee County.
                   invite additional community members to participate in a survey for additional input from community
                   members’ perspective.                                                                                           GSBA believes it is essential that all high-performing
                   GSBA compiled all feedback into a Community Engagement Report to use as a tool for review with                  governance teams have strong strategic plans in place,
                   the planning team. A planning team meeting was held in January 2023 with a representative group
                   of stakeholders to review the feedback and evaluate current practices to determine areas of focus to            make decisions that are aligned with the plan, and monitor
                   prepare our students for college, career, the workforce, and life. With consideration of effective initiatives
                   from the FY19-FY23 Strategic Plan and feedback from the Community Engagement Report, the planning               the plan for progress toward each goal for the life of the plan.
                   team began the process of redesigning a new targeted plan; agreeing to maintain our current mission,
                    vision, and goals; identifying new goal areas, performance objectives, and action steps. In February
                    2023, Action Teams engaged in a more focused process to establish initiatives to support each identified
                    action, as well as performance measures and targets for implementation and monitoring. A meeting was                                                   Using the SWOT analysis and      Additionally, the model will allow for
                    held with the planning team to review the final draft of the strategic plan and to provide an opportunity                                              Community Engagement Report,     a continued focus on strengthening
                    for additional input. The strategic plan was presented to the school board in several phases and a final                                               our district was able to identify our   communication and stakeholder
                    draft provided for their review in April 2023. The final draft of the five-year plan was presented                                                     roadmap for improving our current   engagement; developing and maintaining
                    and approved by the Board of Education on May 26, 2023.                                                                                                practices and continuing to better   a high-quality workforce, ensuring
                    We believe that by working together, we can provide the best possible education for our students and                                                   prepare our students. This model   organizational effectiveness, and
                                                                                                                                                                           supports our work as a charter system
                                                                                                                                                                                                            generating a supportive culture and
                    create a more prosperous community. We are committed to transparency, accountability, and continuous
                    improvement, and we look forward to sharing our progress with you over the next five years.                                                            and pairs resources with flexibility and   climate for students and staff. The Coffee
                                                                                                                                                                                                            County School System places increased
                                                                                                                                                                           accountability to create stronger
                    Thank you for your continued support of Coffee County Schools.                                                                                         learning environments that lead to   emphasis and dedication to our mission
                                                                                                                                                                           opportunities for student success.   of Destination Graduation for College,
                                                                                                                                                                           The model will allow the district and   Career, and Life and our vision of creating a
                                                                                                                                                                           stakeholders to place an intentional    stronger community through an equitable
                                                                                                                                                                           focus on student and academic    and excellent education for every student.
                                                                                                                                                                           achievement and preparedness through    This strategic plan provides a focus for
                                                                                                                                                                           high quality and engaging curriculum,   our district and stakeholders in supporting
                                                                                                                                                                           instruction, assessments, and through    the mission and vision through the
                                                                                                                                                                           the expansion of the academy and   implementation of the identified priorities
                                                                                                                                                                           workforce development models.    for the next five years.

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