Page 3 - Coffee County Strategic Plan FY19-FY23
P. 3

Executive Summary

        T     he Coffee County School System participated in a strategic planning

              process in partnership with Ford Next Generation Learning (FNGL)
                                                                                           Strand 1:
              to develop a new five-year strategic plan and to become a FNGL
        Community. Planning started in August 2017 and ended in June 2018. This         Transforming
        process is a continuation of a very successful strategic planning process that   Teaching and
        the district incorporated in 2013. The FNGL partnership brought a unique and       Learning
        comprehensive community approach to the process to increase community
        prosperity shared by all; a strengthened talent pipeline; young people prepared   Creating meaningful learning
        for college, careers, lifelong learning, and leadership; educational equity and   experiences that enable students
        justice for all; and the capacity for all students to contribute and go further.   to learn and apply academic,
        FNGL infuses high expectations and academic rigor of college preparatory     21st century, and technical
        academic programs with real-world relevance and rigor of career and technical   knowledge and skills to real-
        education. Students choose from among career academies across a variety of   world challenges and that equip
        sectors that drive economic growth in the community. FNGL uses the power   them for success in college and
        of workplace relevance and business relationships to excite stakeholders              careers
        about education - STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math)               +
        education in particular - and to prepare them for college, career, and life.

        The FNGL framework outlined a process that involved all stakeholders -             Strand 2:
        educators, employers, and community leaders - in strategic planning.            Transforming
        Everyone had a voice and is responsible in educating our                            the K-12
        children. Three distinct but interconnected strands comprise                  School Experience
        the FNGL framework.
                                                                                    Creating and maintaining the
                                                                                     career and interest-themed
        A set of Essential Practices for each strand provided specific             academies and the collaborative
        guidance to help the district and  community implement this model.        culture, structures, and practices
                                                                                   necessary to transform teaching
        These practices were drawn from research-based strategies shown            and learning and to capitalize on
        to be effective by successful FNGL communities.
                                                                                      community engagement

        Using the FNGL Self-Assessment as well as other environ-
        mental and organizational scans, our district was able to identify our
        roadmap for improving our current practices and continuing to better prepare        Strand 3:
        our students. This model supports our work as a charter system and pairs         Transforming
        resources with flexibility and accountability to empower our schools. The     Business and Civic
        model will allow us to focus deeply on student achievement and preparedness       Engagement
        through developing strong academic and technical skills, preparing our
        students to navigate life beyond graduation, providing a welcoming         Engaging employers, educators,
        environment and positive culture, engaging families and community members,   and community leaders in building
        and developing and managing our fiscal resources. The Coffee County School   and sustaining transformed
        System is dedicated to our mission of Destination Graduation for College,   secondary schools that promote
        Career, and Life and our vision of creating a stronger community through   community growth and prosperity
        an equitable and excellent education for every student. This strategic plan   by preparing students for future
        provides a focus for our district’s work to support that mission and vision by   work and citizenship
        identifying our top priorities for the next five years.

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