Page 15 - Columbus VG 2018
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            Pilot a
           MARS ROVER
       Become an astronaut for a day at Columbus
       State University’s Coca-Cola Space Science
      Center. With interactive exhibits and
      Georgia’s largest collection of NASA Space
       Shuttle artifacts, children and adults can
      embark on space adventures and awaken
      their senses by controlling miniature Mars
       Rovers, piloting flight simulators, or voyaging
      through space and time in the full-dome
      Omnisphere Theater. Don’t miss the new
       Space Shuttle Odyssey program.

     “Great place for all ages!!”        Coca-Cola Space Science Center

                                             Look for your
                                        Browse the proclaimed largest collection of
                                        antique, metal lunchboxes at the Lunchbox
                                        Museum, part of River Market Antiques’
                                        collection of antiques, flea market finds, and
                                        specialty cars. River Market Antiques also
                                        buys antiques and collectables; call Allen
                                        at 706.332.6378.

                                       “Brings back forgotten
       Lunchbox Museum                  memories from childhood.”

           Discover Historic            Columbus will provide the step-on guide
           COLUMBUS                     for $3 per person. All tours by appointment
      Discover Columbus’ history through tours of
      significant houses and historic neighborhoods.
      Tour the Walker-Peters-Langdon House, c. 1828,
      the oldest house in Columbus. The home
      features a period kitchen garden, urban
      slave cabin, and Columbus history exhibit.
      Admission is $5 for adults, $1 for students.
      Also take a driving tour of the Columbus   Walker-Peters-Langdon House
      Historic District, the High Uptown area and
      parts of the Black Heritage Trail; buses
      must be provided by the group and Historic   “Great little find.”
                                     Columbus Visitors Guide 2018 | 800.999.1613 15
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