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ALL OUT Possible Fort Benning
GLORY activities include:
• Riverside
Built in 1909 by businessman Arthur
The park also includes the National Prisoner Bussey, Riverside is on the National
of War Museum, which honors all American Register of Historic Places and is the
POWs throughout U.S. history. Guided ranger commandant’s residence.
programs are offered seasonally. Entry into the • POW/MIA Monument
park and the museum is free. Erected in 1946, this monument was
(outside only) originally intended to honor U.S. prisoners
496 Cemetery Rd. of World War II. It was later moved to its
Andersonville, GA 31711 current location and altered to also reflect
229.924.0343 | the POWs and MIAs of World War I, Korea,
and Vietnam.
• International WHINSEC
“Very impressive eyewitness reports, Currently training officers of foreign
don’t miss it!”
countries, this building originally served as
the U.S. Army Infantry School and Fort
“Unbelievable this place Benning Headquarters.
is totally for free!”
• Doughboy Stadium
FORT BENNING, Built by U.S. Army Infantrymen as a memorial
MANEUVER CENTER to their lost comrades of World War I.
OF EXCELLENCE • Historic Cuartels
Fort Benning has served as the Home of Designed and constructed in the 1920s,
the Infantry since 1918, transforming into the this building serves as offices and quarters
Maneuver Center of Excellence in 2005. Since for visiting officers. The building appeared in
World War I, its mission has been to “produce the 1941 edition of Ripley’s Believe It or Not
the world’s finest combat infantrymen.” for the world’s longest continuous porch.
Contact VisitColumbusGA at 800.999.1613
Maneuver Center of Excellence Headquarters for more visitor information about Fort Benning.
Photo by AECOM
42 800.999.1613 |