Page 44 - Columbus 2024 VG
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Columbus Collective Museums

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                                                         the tour.
             All Out Bubbly

                    Do You Say Cola, Coke, Pop, Soda,
                   or the Distinctly Southern Co-Cola?
          D     iscover the Columbus carbonation     Another Columbus pharmacist, Claud

                connections on a walking tour
                                           A. Hatcher, in the early 1900s originated
                along the Columbus Soft Drink
          Heritage Trail as our city’s connections to    all-new cola drinks, creating the classics:
                                           Chero-Cola, Nehi and RC Cola.
          RC Cola, Nehi, and Coca-Cola are revealed.    Make sure to visit the Columbus
            Columbus pharmacist Dr. John S.   Collective Museums. This amazing place
          Pemberton originated the formula for    is home to the Royal Crown Cola Museum,
          Coca-Cola, selling the desired recipe to   Chero-Cola Museum, Nehi Drink Museum,
          Atlanta’s Candler family in the late 1800s.   and Tom’s Peanut Museum. You’ll also find
          W.C. Bradley in Columbus led a group in   in the Columbus Collective Museums the
          1919 to purchase the Coca-Cola Company   Georgia Radio Museum and Hall of Fame
          from the Candlers.               and the Lunch Box Museum.


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