Page 6 - Dahlonega VG 2019
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            Discover gold, wine,                        Downtown Dahlonega
              and waterfalls

        Whether you come for a day or a week (or   Start with a stroll around Dahlonega’s
        more), you will quickly find that Dahlonega   authentic 19th century public square.
        is full of quaint charm, breathtaking views,   Shaded brick sidewalks connect you to our
        outdoor adventure, fine wines, and friendly   fine shops, art galleries, and innovative
        faces. Indeed, Dahlonega is pure gold!   local restaurants. You may hear musicians
       WELCOME   Welcome ............................................................4  Dahlonega has plenty of glitter. Study the
                                         jamming on the square and see artists
                                         drawing in their sketch pads.
                                           As the site of our nation’s first gold rush,
          Wine Country .....................................................7
                                         artifacts at the Dahlonega Gold Museum, tour
          Gold History .......................................................9
                                         an actual gold mine, or try panning for pure
          Outdoor Adventures .........................................11
          Art & Culture ...................................................12
          Kid-Friendly Activities ......................................13
                                         is indescribable!
          Shopping ..........................................................14  ore knee-deep in the river. The thrill of a find
                                           For wine lovers, Dahlonega rests at the
          Accommodations .............................................17
          Dining ...............................................................19  center of the federal-designated Dahlonega
          Regional Attractions ........................................24   Plateau American Viticultural Area (AVA). Our
          Regional Map ...................................................25  finest wines and best food experiences are
          Downtown Map ...............................................26  served with homegrown hospitality at our
          Festivals & Events ...........................................26  12 wine and specialty tasting rooms and six
               Dahlonega-Lumpkin County Chamber  local wineries. Named the official Wine Tasting
                 of Commerce & Visitors Center  Room Capital of Georgia, each of our tasting
              13 South Park Street, Dahlonega, GA 30533  rooms has a unique flair.
                Phone: 706.864.3711|800.231.5543

                      Beyond Full Circle Marketing
         The Dahlonega Visitors Guide is published by 365 Degree Total Marketing/  Events  Weddings
           Great Southern Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 20568, St. Simons Island, GA
          31522, 912.638.0780. Copyright ©2019 by Great Southern Publishers, Inc.   AVERAGE ENTRÉE COST:
          Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited.
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