Page 23 - DeKalb County NCG 2019
P. 23

S  P  O  N  S  O  R  E  D  C  O  N  T  E  N  T        Over the past 15 years, Children’s   centers.  Ten years ago, Marcus Autism
                                                                            Healthcare of Atlanta has witnessed the   Center opened its doors as a subsidiary
                                                                            Chamber’s impact on our community as   of Children’s and treats more than   DEVELOPMENT
 PUBLIC      Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta                               it has worked to make DeKalb County a   5,500 children with autism and related
                                                                            great place to live, work and play. Through   disorders a year.
                                                                            our partnership with the Chamber, we
                                                                            have been involved in the Education and   Also located in DeKalb County is
               irthdays and anniversaries are best shared with friends, and our
                                                                            Workforce Development focus areas,   Children’s first urgent care inside the
               team at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta is proud to share eight   working with the Chamber on its efforts    perimeter, the Chamblee-Brookhaven
       B decades of growth and impact in DeKalb County with our friends     to improve the lives of children living in   Urgent Care Center, along with the Center
                                                                            our community.                   for Advanced Pediatrics, which opened in
        from the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce.                                                                 July 2018. This outpatient, non-emergency

                                                                            In recent years, we have worked with   facility is the first of its kind in Georgia
                                                                            school board members, school principals   and brings together multiple pediatric
                                                                            and community leaders to support   clinics, programs and specialists under
                                                                            initiatives like the DeKalb County Schools   one roof to better treat children and
                                                                            Seeing is Believing School Bus Tour and   teens with chronic diseases and complex
                                                                            the PAGE Student Teacher Achievement   care needs.
                                                                            Recognition (STAR) program that honors
                                                                            DeKalb’s highest achieving high school   But our future together is even brighter.
                                                                                    seniors and their teachers.   We are continuing to work on our more
                                                                                                             than 70-acre North Druid Hills campus,
                                                 Just as we live out our mission    The Chamber, Children’s and   which will transform an entire area
                                                of making kids better today and     our community all share the   of our community.  The campus will
                                                 healthier tomorrow inside our      responsibility of improving   include a new 446-bed hospital, acres of
                                               hospital and clinic walls, we apply   the lives of kids and teens in   greenspace, the aforementioned Center
                                               these same principles to our work    our area. This responsibility   for Advanced Pediatrics and support
                                                      with the Chamber.             is going to increase as our   staff offices. As we plan for this pediatric
                                                                                    community continues to   healthcare campus that will improve
                                                                                    grow and evolve. Children’s   patient outcomes and transform our
                                                                            has multiple facilities in DeKalb County,   community through traffic improvements,
                                                                            including one of our three inpatient   infrastructure updates, and miles of trails
                                                                            facilities: Egleston Hospital, home to   and pedestrian pathways, we are grateful
                                                                            a number of core pediatric specialties   for the support of the Chamber and the
                                                                            including the Aflac Cancer and Blood   DeKalb County government. Here’s to
          The Center for Advanced Pediatrics
                                                                            Disorders Center, cardiac and transplant   another 80 years of shared success!

        404.378.8000 | WWW.DEKALBCHAMBER.ORG                                                                        DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
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