Page 4 - DeKalb County NCG 2019
P. 4

                                                                                                                                                                               To support the Chamber’s mission and vision, the work
                                                               Years                                                                                                     DEVELOPMENT    ADVOCACY     DEVELOPMENT    SERVICES
                  THE DEKALB CHAMBER OF COMMERCE                                                                                                                                      is separated into four core focuses.

   THE CHAMBER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             THE CHAMBER

                                                                                                                                                                                                     EDUCATION &
                                                                of          Excellence                                                                                     These pillars provide the structure of this publication as we review
                                                                                                                                                                                  the work of the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce.

                                                                                             ounded in 1938, the DeKalb   In 1955, county leaders made the first   members and led vital community   evolve into Georgia Perimeter College,   support from its members to inform
                                 The mission of the DeKalb Chamber                           Chamber of Commerce was    hire of a professional manager to attract   efforts. DeKalb Chamber educated    now Perimeter College at Georgia    the community about the importance
                                                                                        F known as the DeKalb Chamber   and manage new commerce coming             the community about a need for a    State University.        of a SPLOST. The SPLOST passed with
                                 of Commerce is to be the catalyst that                  of Commerce and Agriculture. The   to the growing community. This hire    local hospital, leading to the opening                       overwhelming support from voters.
                                 attracts, supports, and advances business               Chamber was created to support the   established a face of local leadership for   of DeKalb Medical Center. DeKalb   DeKalb Chamber continues to serve   Over the next six years, the SPLOST

                                 interests in DeKalb County, Georgia.                    local dairy farms, which was the county’s   DeKalb and a united voice of business.  Chamber was also heavily involved    as an important voice for businesses.   will generate over $600 million to fund
                                                                                         major business industry at the time.  DeKalb Chamber grew to have 5,000   in education, helping DeKalb College   In 2017, DeKalb Chamber gathered   infrastructure and other needs.

                                                                                         CH AM BER  HIST OR Y

                                       1950s                                   1960s                                   1990s                                                      2000s                                    2010                                     2017

                                 DeKalb was the fastest growing           The DeKalb Chamber led efforts     The DeKalb Chamber encourages companies                     DeKalb Chamber supported development    The Chamber led the formation of eduKalb     DeKalb Chamber championed
                                     county in the nation.                 to establish DeKalb Medical,       to export, attracting foreign investment and                of International Corridor, now known as    to train school board candidates,       passage of a county-wide SPLOST
                                                                            the county’s first hospital.       developing an African Trade Center which                          Bufford Highway.                    endorse quality candidates and          to address infrastructure, public
                                                                                                                     operated from 1993-96.                                                                           drive community awareness.                safety and other needs.

              3     DeKalb Chamber of Commerce                                                                           80TH SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY EDITION          404.378.8000 | WWW.DEKALBCHAMBER.ORG                                                                        DeKalb Chamber of Commerce  4
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