Page 4 - Discover Georgia Outdoors 2024
P. 4
he map at right divides Georgia into
nine regions – Northwest Georgia
TMountains, Northeast Georgia
Mountains, Atlanta Metro, West Georgia,
Middle Georgia, East Georgia Southwest
E Georgia, Southeast Georgia, and the
D I Georgia Coast. Pages XX-XX introduce you
H NAVIGATE these regions. Activities available in each
to the unique natural wonders of each of
of our tourism partners’ areas are identified
with activity icons identified in the key
SE T How to use the guide shown here.
“Quick look-up” grids show at a glance
where you can participate in some of
O U T he map on page 1 divides Georgia “Quick look-up” grids, pages 54-64 the most popular activities available
show at a glance where you can participate
into nine regions – Northwest Georgia
throughout the state.
HOW T Mountains, Atlanta Metro, West Georgia, in some of the most popular activities e invite you to contact
Mountains, Northeast Georgia
available throughout the state.
We invite you to contact us at 912-638-
Middle Georgia, East Georgia, Southwest
us at 912-638-0870 or
Georgia, South Georgia, and the Georgia
Coast. Pages 14-51 introduce you to the 0780 or Winfo@365degreetotalmarketing.
to suggest improvements to this publication
com to suggest improvements to this
unique natural wonders of each of these that can make future editions even more publication that can make future editions
regions. Activities available in each of our useful to you. even more useful to you.
tourism partners’ areas are identified with
activity icons identified in the key shown
at right.
2 D i s c o v er Geor gi a O ut doors . c om • 3 6 5 ° To tal M ar k eti ng