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TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

             2   The Chamber
             3   Getting Started                 A LOOK BACK
             5   Community Involvement
             6   Faith & Religion                at Coffee County
             7   Economic Development
           11   Feature: Business in                      Local wars occur
               Coffee County                        between Creek Indians       1830s
          12   Education                                 and early settlers     Methodist revivals
          17   Housing                               February 9, 1854           take place in Douglas
          19   Healthcare                           Coffee County was created
          21   Leisure                            from sections of Clinch, Irwin,   1858
                                                                                City of Douglas established
          24   Calendar of Events                   Telfair, and Ware counties.   as county seat
                                                          Petitions to move
                                                     Douglas courthouse to      1888-1890
                                                          Pearson circulate     Benajah Peterson and
           The Douglas-Coffee County Chamber Magazine is                        community join to save
           produced by the Douglas-Coffee County Chamber                        Douglas as the county
            of Commerce. Although every effort has been                         seat by building a new
            made to ensure accuracy, we cannot guarantee                        courthouse, churches,
              that dates, telephone numbers, and other              1907        commercial buildings,
                information have not changed.         The Eleventh District     residences, a new school,
                   Call 912-384-1873               Agricultural College was     and three railroads
                 or visit us at      established in Douglas
                  The Atrium Office Complex                                     1909
               114 North Peterson Avenue, Suite 205
                   Douglas, GA 31533                                            The Georgia and Florida
                                                           1920s-1930s          Railroad located its offices
                                                      Douglas became one        and shops in Douglas
                                                      of Georgia’s leading
                                                          tobacco markets       1927
         Linda Mosely .................................................................Publisher
         Mark Mosely...................................................Executive Editor  The Eleventh District
                                                                                Agricultural College
         Christy Carter .......................................Marketing Executive  became South Georgia
         Teresa Greer ..................................................Managing Editor  1927  College, the first state
         Bonnie Hunter ................................Editor/PR Coordinator    junior college
         Stephen Hefner ..........................................Creative Director  An airport was
         Rachel Rowell ......................................Production Directorr  constructed on the
         Erin Fortenberry .......................................Graphic Designer  campus of South Georgia
         Bob Swinehart ...........................................Graphic Designer   College, which served as
         Daniel Thompson ....................................Graphic Designer  a landing field for the
         Mike Schalk .........................................................Photographer  Dixie and Northern Air   1941-1945
         Michelle Holton ................................................Videographer  Line and as an aviation   The airport was used as
         Sharee Copeland ............................Proofing Coordinator  school for Dixie Aviation  a primary pilot-training
         Amy Anderson ............................Administration Director       base for the army air corps
         Connie Parker ...........................................Business Manager  1989  during World War II
         Thomas Schaefer ......................................................IT Director  Douglas downtown historic
         Lauren Tingler .....................Digital Marketing Strategist  district and the Gaskin
         Nathan Faulkenberry .....Digital Marketing Strategist  Avenue historic district
         The Douglas-Coffee County Chamber Magazine is published by 365 Degree   were named as a part of
         Total Marketing/Great Southern Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 20568, St. Simons Is-
         land, GA 31522, (912) 638-0780. Copyright ©2019 by Great Southern Publishers,   the National Register of
         Inc. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Call   Historic Places
         365 Degree Total Marketing for all your design and printing needs, (800) 697-5568

                          Douglas-Coffee County Chamber of Commerce  912-384-1873               1
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