Page 13 - Jackson County NCG 2022
P. 13

Gainesville Midland Railroad
                                                                                Steam Locomotive - Jefferson



        Resources for Your Smooth Transition

        W        elcome to Jackson County! We are happy to have you join in our

                 communities comprised of nine distinct towns. Our Getting Started Guide
                 is designed to help you smoothly transition into your new home.

                                            City of Pendergrass .................................(706) 693-2494
          JACKSON COUNTY GOVERNMENT         Town of Talmo  ........................................(706) 693-2325  Talmo
        Animal Control  .......................................(706) 367-5480
        Building Inspections  .............................(706) 367-6335  CABLE AND INTERNET
        Business Licenses ....................................(706) 367-5908
        Clerk of Courts  ........................................(706) 387-6246
        District Attorney .....................................(706) 387-6288  TruVista Communications of Georgia ..(800) 868-0503  Atlanta Gas Light Company ...................(877) 427-4321
        Emergency Services  ...............................(706) 367-5202  Windstream Communications ..............(706) 335-0311  City of Commerce Gas Department ......(706) 335-3317
        Environmental Health ...........................(706) 367-3643
        Magistrate Court .....................................(706) 387-6356  ELECTRICITY  WATER AND SEWER
        Parks and Recreation .............................(706) 367-6350
        Planning and Zoning  .............................(706) 367-5908  Jackson EMC .............................................(706) 367-5281
        Probate Court  .........................................(706) 387-6275  Georgia Power .........................................(888) 660-5890  Town of Braselton  ..................................(706) 654-3915
        Senior Center  ..........................................(706) 367-5101  City of Commerce ....................................(706) 335-3164
        Sheriff .......................................................(706) 367-8718  City of Hoschton ......................................(706) 654-3034
        Tag and Tax Office  ..................................(706) 367-6320  NATURAL GAS  City of Jefferson ......................................(706) 367-5121
        Welcome Center  .....................................(706) 387-7685     City of Maysville ......................................(706) 652-2274
                                                                                City of Nicholson .....................................(706) 757-2230
                                               Atlanta Gas Light Co. operates and   Jackson County Water & Sewer Authority
                                            maintains natural gas pipelines and distributes    .........................................................(706) 367-1741
            MUNICIPALITIES                  natural gas through certified marketers in
                                            Georgia. For the current list of certified natural
        City of Arcade ..........................................(706) 367-5500  gas marketers, please visit Georgia Public   SANITATION AND RECYCLING
        Town of Braselton ...................................(706) 654-3915  Service Commission at or call (800)
        City of Commerce ....................................(706) 335-3164   282-5813. Residents can start, reconnect, or      Jackson County encourages residents to
        City of Hoschton ......................................(706) 654-3034  disconnect natural gas service.   properly dispose of solid waste and to recycle.
        City of Jefferson ......................................(706) 367-5121     Natural gas odors should be reported. Do   Drop-off sites and recycling services are
        City of Maysville ......................................(706) 652-2274  not try to locate the source of the smell. If you   available from the following
        City of Nicholson .....................................(706) 757-3408  smell natural gas, leave the premises and call:  Chamber members:

        Jackson County Area Chamber of Commerce | | (706) 387-0300       Getting Started   9
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