Page 58 - Outdoor Life in Kershaw County
P. 58


   Kids’        FOR KIDS
                Off Road Ride
                ? Location: Goodale State Park, 650 Park Road
 Make sure          Camden, SC 29020, 803-432-2772
  little ones
  keep both     ? Two trails at Goodale State Park allow
hands on the        bicycles: Nature Trail and unnamed trail that
 handlebars         circumnavigates Adams Mill Pond
 at all times.
   Off road     ? Difficulty: Very Easy

     riding     ? Time: Nature Trail – 15 minutes, Pond trail –
requires two        10 minutes. Ride the trails more than once to
 hands and          extend your ride!

  controlled    ? Elevation Gain: negligible
                ? The Nature Trail can be muddy after rains.
                    Mountain or hybrid-style bikes are
                    recommended for the Nature Trail.

                ? The unnamed Pond trail is fast and flat. You
                    MUST walk your bike across the metal
                    spillway bridge

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