Page 68 - Outdoor Life in Kershaw County
P. 68


      “The         Austin Sheheen Sr.
uniqueness and
diversity of the   Natural Resources

 rolling ridges    Area
and the location
on the waters of   Liberty Hill, SC
 Lake Wateree
 make Liberty
Hill a singularly  The Austin Sheheen Sr. Natural Resources Area is
incredible place   managed by the South Carolina Department of
                   Natural Resources of the Liberty Hill WMA for wildlife
   for South       habitat and water quality preservation. It is open for
Carolinians and    public recreation and includes hiking, hunting, bird
visitors to come   watching, and fishing. These 14 miles of the Lake
 and enjoy the     Wateree shoreline are preserved for future
natural beauty     generations.

 of our state.”    The forested property features mixed pine-hardwood
                   slopes, loblolly pine ridgetops and open meadows that
                   provide habitat for numerous wildlife species,
                   including white-tailed deer, turkey, bobwhite quail and

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