Page 59 - Sea Level 2019
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district has rows of beautiful homes and   Today the community has more than
        other structures, some dating back to the   1,200 home sites and the average home
        late 1700s. Plantation owners would bring   value is about $908,000.
        their families to Pawleys Island during the
        summer to escape from the humidity and   MAINLAND
        insects on the mainland. Perhaps some of   GEORGETOWN COUNTY
        these families saw Pawleys’ famous    Mainland Georgetown County has
        helping spirit, the Gray Man, who   two incorporated cities, Georgetown and                                                                  SCREVEN’S HOPE
        sometimes appears to people to warn      Andrews. Plans for the City of Georgetown
        of impending storms.               were established by Elisha Screven in 1729,
           A beach home in Pawleys Island is   making Georgetown the third-oldest city
        likely to cost $1 million or more. Not in   in South Carolina, with the legends and
        your budget? No worries – single-family   landmarks to prove it.
        homes and condo units can be bought in   Georgetown has seen times of
        the $200,000-$350,000 range.       growth and times of quiet, war and peace,
           At the southern tip of the Waccamaw   and has even hosted such notable figures
        Neck, DeBordieu Beach or DeBordieu   as Thomas Lynch, Jr. (a signer of the                                                                   Communities
        Colony is an unincorporated oceanfront   Declaration of Independence), the Marquis
        gated community. This community includes   de Lafayette, and the father of our nation,
        a private golf and country club, as well as   George Washington.
        800 acres of wildlife preserve accessible   Georgetown honors its past in the
        only to residents and guests at DeBordieu.   preservation of the city’s historic district
        Like Pawleys Island, DeBordieu was once   along with revitalized historical homes,
        a favorite summer destination for the   some of which are now bed and breakfasts
        Waccamaw Neck rice planters. Legend has   and open to the public. The original street
        it that the Marquis de Lafayette proclaimed   names still mark the town streets and
        it the “borderland of God” in 1777. The   remind locals of the city’s rich past that
        French translation “D’aborde Dieu” became   influences the present.
        “DeBordieu” or “Debidue” in the local   Georgetown’s population is relatively
        Gullah dialect.                    young. While the average age of residents
                                           of the Waccamaw Neck communities is in
                                           the 50s, Georgetown is comprised primarily
                                           of young, diverse families; the median age
                                           is 38.5.
                                             Georgetown residential properties
                                           range from $100,000 to $10 million
                                           and include condos, single-family homes,
                            Georgetown     waterfront properties, even historic
                                           Southern plantations.

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