Page 3 - Lillington NCG 2024
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“This is a small, quiet town where I feel safe walking the
neighborhood for exercise. People are friendly,
and I love all the little shops downtown.”
–Marsha Hriz, Agent, C&D Insurance Service, Inc.
Volunteer with Others Get The Buzz on Business
The Chamber has committees that The Chamber has resources
give members opportunities to become and area know-how to help you
actively involved in community affairs and make smarter decisions on selecting
encourage you to lend your talents and goods and services. The Chamber works
experience to benefit our local economy. on identifying and providing information
about issues that may impact the general
Welcome to the Heart of Harnett Spotlight Your Visibility business climate of the Lillington area
business community.
When consumers know a small business
is a member of their local chamber of The Chamber offers free Certificate of
Origin stamps to Chamber members as
Y ou are in Lillington, a small and Helping Your Business Prosper in An commerce, they are 44% more likely to well as information about meeting spaces
think favorably of it and 63% more likely
growing town on the banks of the
and caterers for your events.
Cape Fear River where “Community Ever-Changing Climate to purchase goods or services from the
Are you new to the world of chambers company. – The Shapiro Group, Inc. &
Feels Like Family.” Lillington is not only the Build Your Knowledge
of commerce and what we can do for Market Street Services
heart of Harnett County but also proudly Each month, the Chamber provides
you? Or perhaps you’ve been involved in
serves as its county seat. Here, in this information sessions on current topics
other towns’ chambers. We welcome you Be Known
vibrant area of the state, community is and information about community
and your business to Lillington! The Chamber offers various ways
the cornerstone upon which Lillington workshops so you can be informed
to promote your business or
residents build our future. Lillington Chamber of Commerce has to grow your business. Check the
The Town of Lillington is anchored been promoting local businesses in the organization through our online calendar on the Chamber website for
membership directory, ribbon-cutting,
by its community traditions and yet is Lillington area since 1948. Our goal is the latest information.
Rock the River Awards Banquet Ceremony
progressive in its approach to welcoming to provide the support you need to be
community calendar, weekly e-newsletter,
new neighbors. This includes industry, successful. Members benefit in many
and sponsorship opportunities such as Scan the QR code for
reflective of North Carolina’s strong ways personally and professionally and
Chamber Champions. more about our Chamber
traditions in manufacturing and the world- so we offer these opportunities for small
renowned Research Triangle region just a member businesses.
and large business success:
half hour north. Show Your Awards Proudly
Come love our downtown shopping Build Up Your Network At the annual Rock the River Awards
and dining combined with endless hiking Ceremony and Banquet, the Chamber
Attend Events with Flair
adventures and boating, camping, cycling, recognizes members for business
Leave the office for Chamber events,
and more! excellence and exemplary services which
meetings, ribbon cuttings, and socials.
The Town of Lillington was chartered can lead to additional exposure and
Imagine Business After Hours events
by the State of North Carolina in 1903 increased business opportunities. Lillington Area
hosted by various members. Meet up
when Harnett County Commissioners
Chamber of Commerce
purchased 100 acres of land near a with new and familiar faces and enjoy the Secure Your Savings
ferry crossing on the south side of the evening’s ambiance at a pizzeria, a park, Take advantage of Chamber event
Cape Fear River. Lillington today has a wine bar, salon, or real estate office – discounts by paying a reduced rate for
approximately 4,700 residents. you name it. event tickets and vendor spaces.
910-893-3751 •
Welcome 1