Page 47 - Macon Travel Guide 2023
P. 47
Artists and visitors
alike travel each ARTS & WARES
year to Macon for
the inspirational
ot only is it felt in the Create a memento of your
heartbeat of the city trip at The 567 Center for
and the sounds of Renewal or have a girls’ night
music billowing out with a paint and sip class
through the streets, at StARTup Studios.
N but it is showcased One of the area’s largest
through vibrant murals that facilities, Triangle Arts is
represent the soul of Macon’s the home of a 4-acre multi-
diverse community. building complex that provides
Experience theatrical studio room for creatives of all VisitMaconGA
performances including backgrounds. The facility also
local renditions of classic hosts annual events such as
Broadway favorites at many of The All Hands Art Festival
our historic theatres. Get lost and monthly art markets.
in beautiful pieces of artwork CENTER STAGE @VisitMacon
by visiting our galleries
that regularly promote new The Douglass Theatre,
exhibits, bring out your established in 1921, was one
creative side at art classes that of the first theatres in the
cover skills in pottery, glass area that was owned by and
blowing, painting and more, or welcomed African Americans. @MaconGaSoul
take home a bit of Macon from In its early years, Jazz and
Blues musicians such as Ida
artists’ wares and Macon-
made products in local shops. Cox and Bessie Smith lit up
the stage. Becoming a staple
Add a splash of color to your venue in Macon, legendary
lifestyle in Macon.
artists such as Little Richard
HANDMADE MACON and James Brown would VisitMaconGA
perform some their most
The Macon Arts Alliance iconic shows here. A
works to protect and century since its opening,
strengthen the arts for the The Douglass Theatre still
community and visitors. More promotes the arts with live
than 300 artists representing performances and film
a wide variety of mediums features premiering weekly.
have had their art sold in The Be amazed by the stunning
Gallery. They also host the interior architecture of The
state’s largest ceramic sale, Grand Opera House which
known as Fired Works. was built in 1904. The Grand