Page 13 - Montcross Area Chamber NCG 2023
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        Legacy Partners make positive things happen in our business
        communities. Each company demonstrates a high visibility commitment
        that provides sustainable funding for resources that elevate services
        for all business members. Here are the voices of several of our Legacy
        Partner members about their insights and the benefits in awareness for
        each organization’s brand.
                    McCathern Enterprise &              South State Bank                    Bisque Imports
                    Consultants, LLC                    Est. 1934 Columbia,                 Est. 1999 Belmont; Now
                    Est. 2018 Gastonia                  South Carolina                      in the renovated Stowe
                                                                                            Spinning Company
                    “Being a member of the              “Montcross Area
         Legacy Partners provides exclusive   Chamber of Commerce attracts       “We take pride in Belmont and Gaston
         networking opportunities with       high-caliber individuals and provides   County and want to be a part of the
         other influential business leaders   networking opportunities that are   community and give back for all this
         and community stakeholders. This    incredibly valuable. I get to connect   area has done for our success. The
         facilitates deeper connections and   with like-minded people who desire   Montcross Chamber is a vehicle that
         potential collaborations that can    to see the communities we serve    helps us facilitate a sense of belonging
         lead to new business prospects      thrive. I get to meet new business   and giving back to the community.“
         and partnerships.”                  contacts, strengthen existing
                                                                                 DJ TOAL, Founder, Bisque Imports
                                             relationships, and enhance my
                                                                                 providing sustainable resources for
         MICHEAL MCCATHERN, Owner/           company’s brand with members.”
                                                                                 ceramic studios
         President of McCathern Enterprise &
         Consultants, LLC – serving executive   LANCE KIRKLAND, Vice President/             CaroMont Health
         and business clients in coaching and   Branch Manager II for South State           Est. 1908 as Gastonia’s
         leadership & development.           Bank; invests in the entrepreneurial           First Hospital
                                             spirit, and to pursue excellence and
                                             inspire a greater purpose.
                    Watson Insurance                                                        “With Montcross Area
                    Your trusted insurance                                       Chamber we learn the importance of
                                                        Compleat KiDZ
                    agency serving                                               local relationships to build a better
                                                        Est.1989 Mount Holly
                    Gastonia, NC.                                                future for tomorrow. You make new
                                                                                 friends and learn from them to
                                                        “It is one of the better
         We specialize in a wide variety of                                      enhance your organization and
                                                        Chambers! I feel like I
         insurance solutions to meet your                                        the community.”
                                             have more support and attention than
         needs. Whether you’re looking
                                             a standard member.”
         for personal insurance, business                                        F. DEL MURPHY, JR., Vice President/
         insurance, or employee benefits, we   BOB FREMGEN, VP Marketing,        Chief Strategy Officer, CaroMont
         provide quality service and advice    Compleat Kidz – offering emotional   Health, named No. 1 Regional
         you can count on.                   and physical pediatric therapies    Care Provider

        2024 Welcome Guide & Business Directory •              Legacy Partners       n  9
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