Page 20 - Summerville NCG 2018
P. 20

Arts & Culture

                  Visionary People Bring New Ideas
      S         ummerville residents believe that art is an   Sculpture in the South
                    to Summerville Day In, Day Out

                                               Sculpture in the South is a non-profit organization
                experience, not an object. It is not passive,
                but inspiring, and able to spark your own
        creativity. So it came as no surprise when Flowertown   founded in 1998 as a response to the desire for public
                                            art expressed in the community’s Vision Plan. Since
        Players director Erik Brower creatively reimagined   the organization’s founding, 25 bronze sculptures
        Shakespeare’s Macbeth into a modern noire tale of   have been publicly installed throughout Summerville,
        guilt, paranoia and madness for one of the Players’   ensuring that Summerville residents and visitors can
        Underground series of avant garde plays.  encounter art in their everyday lives, even if they never
           “I got the image of a gritty Frank Miller-style setting   venture into an art gallery or museum.
        while reading it,” Brower said. Brower’s vision brought      The organization hosts events and workshops
        the characters into modern times and made them   each year providing education about sculpture and
        “more relatable.”                   encouraging its appreciation. The organization
           Like Brower, an entire community of visionary   facilitates sculpture purchases to enlarge and enhance   original 1915 building. Its historic accolades
        people are constantly bringing new ideas and images   Summerville’s permanent public sculpture collection.  include The National Register of Historic Places
        to Summerville and Dorchester County. This rich arts      218 South Main Street   and The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s
        environment delights residents with inventive pieces      Summerville, SC 29483
        and productions, in the moving theater performances      (843) 851-7800   Distinctive Destinations.
        by the Flowertown Players, the many public sculptures     Today, the Timrod Library offers a wide range
        throughout town, the musical performances of the                        of activities: a monthly children’s story hour, game
        Summerville Orchestra, or the centuries of architecture   The Timrod Library  nights, author talks and book signings, an “open” book
        and landscaping of Colonial-era plantation homes.     The Timrod Library is one of only two membership   club, afternoon “Tea and Tales,” and much more.
        Whether you choose to make your own art or marvel   libraries remaining in South Carolina, and is the      217 Central Avenue
        at the talents of our local artists, Summerville and   perfect blend of past and present. Established in      Summerville, SC 29483
        Dorchester County are the perfect community for   1897 and incorporated in 1908, it continues to serve      (843) 871-4600
        supporting a passion for the arts.   Summerville’s reading and research needs from its

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