Page 32 - Tri-County NCG 2023
P. 32

Grow and


         By Glenn Carson

        D      orchester County Economic                                            These “big five” are

               Development (DCED) supports
               new businesses and works to
               provide an environment for all
        businesses to thrive. In the fast-growing                                   the driving force of
        Tri-County Region, DCED matches
        people and places, so the economy
        stays on the move.                                                          the area’s economy

             There are five industries specifically                                and together employ
        targeted by the agency: Advanced
        Manufacturing, Automotive, Recreational        With the Atlantic Ocean minutes   thousands of people.
                                             away, the area is a natural for the
        Marine, Logistics & Distribution, and   marine industry. Dorchester County
        Construction Materials. These “big five”    boasts a concentration of boat
        are the driving force of the area’s   manufacturers that dwarfs the rest of
        economy and together employ          the state. There are four boat builders
        thousands of people. With the help    in Dorchester County, including Scout
        of DCED, these industries benefit not   Boats, which makes high-end luxury
        only Dorchester County but also the   boats that are distributed around the
        entire Tri-County Region.            world. Key West Boats has two locations
                                             in the county with more than 160,000
             Over the last decade, employment    square feet of space.
        in manufacturing has increased by                                             The construction materials industry is
        18 percent in South Carolina, with about                                 a big employer for Dorchester County.
        5,000 of those jobs in Dorchester                                        All told, there are more than 2,300
        County. Companies like BID Group                                         workers producing these products.
        Technologies and Showa Denko                                             For over 50 years, Knight’s Companies
        Carbon are among the largest                                             has fabricated septic tanks and now is
        manufacturers in Dorchester County,                                      a noted manufacturer of commercial
        producing goods like graphite                                            concrete products. Global companies
        electrodes and industrial fabrication.                                   Argos and Giant Cement also have
                                                                                 facilities in Dorchester County.
             The automotive industry is equally
        active in the area, with more than                                            A booming economy and the potential
        $27 billion annual revenue throughout         With quick access to the Port of   for further growth keeps DCED quite
        the state. Robert Bosch is Dorchester’s   Charleston, a railroad network, and    busy. Through their partnership with
        largest private employer. They develop   two interstate highways, companies   business and industry, they are ensuring
        clean diesel injection systems, antilock   here can move their products    the region not only continues to grow,
        braking, and electronic stability control.    efficiently. Walmart recently opened a    but also prospers.
        In 2022, Bosch announced an investment   $220 million distribution center in
        of $260 million, bringing an additional   Dorchester County, creating more    Learn more at
        350 jobs to the county.              than 1,000 new jobs for the county.

        Economic Development                               28                       Tri-County Regional Chamber of Commerce
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