Page 6 - Tri-County NCG 2122
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Lake Marion
      Table of
      Table of
     Con       ten      ts

   On the Cover
    The Tri-County Region is rich with
    opportunities for education, recreation
    At-A-Glance .................................3 Welcome
    and industry.
    Welcome .....................................2

    Important Numbers .......................5    to the Tri-County Region
    Festivals & Events ..........................6
    About Tri-County ..........................7
    Eat, Shop & Stay .......................... 10  istory, tradition, educational and business opportunities,   time-honored traditions, educational and business opportunities
    Things to Do ................................13  H  and a focus on the future all converge where Orangeburg,   abound, and where our forward momentum always keeps our eyes   For more information about
    Education .................................. 22  Berkeley, and Dorchester counties meet. The 12   on the exciting new horizons that await.   the Tri-County Regional
    Economic Development ................26  communities in South Carolina’s Tri-County Region combine to      Our region combines the best of big-city opportunities, but   Chamber of Commerce, visit
    New Businesses Open,            create a mix of lively, local personalities and flavor sure to excite   is rooted in small-town charm, making it the perfect place for or stop by one of
                                    residents, visitors, and newcomers.
                                                                                                                                 our two locations:
    Succeed in Tough Times ................29     The Tri-County Regional Chamber of Commerce serves its   a relaxing vacation, an ideal location for businesses to thrive,   St. George Office
    Healthcare .................................30  members and communities proactively by dedicating itself to   and an attractive area to settle down with your family and build     225 N. Parler Avenue
                                                                                   relationships to last a lifetime.
    Housing .................................... 33  improving the general welfare, prosperity, and quality of life for      Spend just a little time here and you will find well-rounded     St. George, SC 29477
    Membership Directory ..................34  everyone in the area. Recent times have been challenging, but the   communities built on strong educational, agricultural, and     (843) 563-8187
                                    Chamber was there every step of the way to strengthen our local
                                    businesses in the face of a pandemic. As was the case around the   industrial foundations but with a plethora of outdoor recreation   Holly Hill Office
                                    country, Chamber members fared better through the pandemic   and family activities waiting outside the door.     8603 Old State Road
                                    than non-member businesses. Moving forward, we will continue to      Come try the Tri-County lifestyle and experience the spirit of
       Tri-County Community Guide is published by   be a voice for the Tri-County business community and ensure   this spectacular region, and you may never want to leave.     Holly Hill, SC 29059
        365 °   Total Marketing, P.O. Box 20568,                                                                                   (803) 496-3831
       St. Simons Island, GA 31522, 912.638.0780.    it is equipped with the tools needed to survive anything that
    ©Copyright 2021 by Great Southern Publishers. Reproduction   comes our way.       Best Wishes,
     in whole or part without written permission is prohibited.
    Call 365 °  Total Marketing for all your design and printing needs,       Eastern Orangeburg County, western Berkeley County and      Saundra Price, Executive Director & Board of Directors
      800.697.5568 or  northern Dorchester County are where rich history lives on in      Tri-County Regional Chamber of Commerce
   2                                                                                                Tri-County Regional Chamber of Commerce • (843) 563-8187 •
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