Page 20 - Wilkes County NCG 2024
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Beginning Teacher of the Year was a finalist of
                                                                                the North Carolina Center for Advancement of
                                                                                Teaching, State Beginning Teacher of the Year.
                                                                                613 Cherry St., North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
                                                                                (336) 667-1121 |
                                                                                Private Schools
                                                                                   Wilkes County is home to two private
                                                                                schools, each backed by a Christian
                                                                                denomination: Harvest Time Christian
                                                                                Academy and Millers Creek Christian School.
                                                                                These private schools serve students in Pre-K
                                                                                through 12th grades and provide a quality,
                                                                                values-based education.

                                                                                Wilkes Community College
                                                                                   Wilkes Community College (WCC), a
                                                                                member of the North Carolina Community
           Wilkes County Schools Career and      Each course offers invaluable career   College System, is a public, two-year, open-
        Technical Education (CTE) offers courses   readiness skills, and many courses offer   door institution serving the people of Wilkes,
        within seven program areas: Agriculture   industry-recognized credential opportunities.   Ashe, and Alleghany counties and beyond.
        Education; Business, Finance, Marketing   CTE students earned 2,579 credentials in the      The College offers more than 39 programs
        Education; Career Development Education;   2022-2023 school year. These credentials   of study, including Associate degree, diploma,
        Computer Science, IT, and Technology   not only enhance student resumes but   and certificate options. WCC ensures students
        Education; Family and Consumer Sciences   also enable students to start employment   who successfully complete its programs are
        Education; Health Science Education; and   immediately following high school graduation,   prepared to join the workforce or attend
        Trade and Industrial Education.     often with a higher rate of pay. CTE internships   another college or university to pursue a four-
           There were 5,919 student participants   and pre-apprenticeships are available for   year degree.
        enrolled in Wilkes County Schools CTE   work-based learning experiences through our      The college prepares learners for success
        courses in the 2022-2023 school year.   community industry partners. CTE students   through a range of occupational and technical
        Each program area aligns with a Career and   who take a level two course beyond the   pursuits as well as pre-baccalaureate
        Technical student organization which students   level one course within a pathway have a   programs. Established in 1965, WCC builds on
        can join to gain leadership experience and   graduation rate of 98.4%.  a strong history of meeting the educational
        guidance in developing a career path.      Wilkes County Schools ranked 21st for   needs and cultural interests of students,
                                            overall proficiency on End-of-Grade/End-  community, and workforce.
                                            of-Course tests out of 115 traditional school      Through Career & College Promise,
                                            districts in North Carolina. Last year’s Principal   qualified high school students in North
          The new state budget for Wilkes County   of the Year was named the Wells Fargo   Carolina can dually enroll in community
            includes $9 million for county high   Northwest Region Principal of the Year, and the   college courses, tuition-free, in structured
            school athletic facility upgrades to
            areas such as fields, tennis courts,
             tracks, clubhouses, restrooms,
            bleachers, lighting, and band and
                choral program areas.

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