Page 29 - Wilkes County NCG 2024
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Working With Nature                                                       improvements in all lines of equipment,

                                                                                Meadows’ products and services are
                                                                                recognized as high quality Meadows sawmills,
                                                                                hammer mills, and stone burr mills.
                                                                                  Church & Church Lumber Co. are experts
                                                                                in forest management and select and harvest
                                                                                softwoods and hardwoods for the construction
                                                                                industry: red oak, white oak, poplar, hickory,
                                                                                maple, ash, beech, birch, sycamore, cherry,
                                                                                walnut, white pine, Virginia pine, loblolly
                                                                                pine, and Southern yellow pine trees are
                                                                                processed for dimensional lumber, mulch,
                                                                                chips, and sawdust.
                                                                                  Appalachian Lumber Co. was established
                                                                                in 1982 to manufacture hardwood flooring,
                                                                                paneling, stair parts, furniture parts, and
                                                                                custom moulding, working with wholesalers
                                                                                throughout the nation. Their experience in the
                                                                                wood business gives them the ability to source
                                                                                almost any species of wood – specializing in
                                                                                the unique and hard to find.
                                                                                  “I am not sure that I have a favorite wood,
                                                                                but walnut, ash and cherry are at the top
        By Lydia Cobb                      Photos courtesy Times Treasured Photography  of my list,” said William Church, president
                                                                                of Appalachian Lumber Co., now a fourth-
                                                                                generation forest products family. “Wood is
          Sustainable forestry in Wilkes County powers an economy deeply        a renewable resource. It is like all other cash
                                                                                crops with a window of opportunity for the
         rooted in high quality timber, building lumber, and furniture parts.   optimum harvest.”
                                                                                  North Carolina has over 18 million acres
        S       ustainable forestry is about caring   Rendezvous Mountain Educational State   State Extension.  In Wilkes County, more than
                                                                                of timberland, according to North Carolina
                                            Forest between 1984 and 2022. School
                for and managing forests that
                                                                                340,000 acres are devoted to timber, with an
                provide us with wood. We also
                                            children and landowners alike visited to learn
                                                                                end mill-delivered value of more than $14.7
                value forest habitats for wildlife
                 and providing stunning landscapes.   about sustainable forestry.  million in 2022, the most recent available
                                              Like limbs of trees, generations of families in
                                                                                statistics. The robust forest sector in
        Sustainable forestry connects all parts of the   Wilkes County have been involved in forestry   the state supports forestry and logging
        forest: trees, smaller plants, soils, wildlife,   and timber. They are family owned and made   operations, sawmills, furniture mills, and
        and water with protection from wildfire, pests,   in the USA:
        and diseases, and preserving special forests.    Meadows Mills, Inc. got its beginning   pulp and paper industries. The forest sector
          “Everybody needs paper and wood, but   around 1900 at Pores Knob by a mechanically   is a major contributor to North Carolina’s
        there are best practices to protect the water   inclined Baptist minister, Reverend W.C.   economic wellbeing, supporting communities
        and the ecosystem,” said Jeff                 Meadows. He designed and   across all 100 counties in The Tar Heel State.
        Matheson, superintendent of                      built a burr mill (grist mill)
        Rendezvous Mountain                                with stones mounted
        in Wilkes County –                                   in a vertical position
        a unit of the state   Agriculture is North Carolina’s   as opposed to the
        park system.          No. 1 industry. Agriculture and   conventional flat
          Once called         agribusiness, including food,    or horizontal mills
        an “Educational                                        generally used
        Forest,” the 2,000-  forestry, and fiber, contribute more   at the time. He
        acre park balances    than $103 billion to the state’s   patented the mill
        naturally growing    economy, according to the North   and formed the
        forested areas with   Carolina Department of Agriculture   W.C. Meadows
        areas of regrowth                                      Mill Company.
        from logging and         and Consumer Services.       Through later
        saw milling. The                                     acquisitions, investors,
        park was operated as                               and continuous
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