Page 15 - Wilmington NC VG 2020
P. 15


                      The history of Wilmington and our Island Beaches is
                      set both on land and at sea.

                                hile permanent      Today, many of Wilmington’s
                                settlement did not   famous spaces and notable
                                occur until 1725, the   places are open for public tours,
                      W legends and legacies     special events and activities that
                      of the North Carolina coast   bring history to life.
                      pre-date colonization. In 1524,
                      explorers arrived and discovered    1776-1782
                      treacherous shoals spiked with
                      sunken ships. The dangerous     THE AMERICAN
                      seascape led early mariners      REVOLUTION
                      (and pirates!) to coin the area     Twenty miles northwest of
                      “Cape of Feare,” thus the name   Wilmington is the site of the
                      Cape Fear River.           Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge,
                         European settlers colonized   which took place in February
                      and incorporated Wilmington in   of 1776. Referred to as the
                      1739. The city became the region’s   Lexington and Concord of the
                      center of trade, politics, and   South, the fight resulted in an
                      culture due to the proximity to the   American victory that ended
                      river and the ocean. Experience   British authority in North
                      Wilmington’s rich history at street   Carolina and boosted Patriot
                      level through guided tours of   morale. The Burgwin-Wright
                      historic homes and significant sites  House, built in 1770, serves
                      throughout the 230-plus block   as an invaluable reflection
                      National Register Historic District.   of the Revolutionary Era.
         • 866-534-0845
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