Page 67 - Robins Region NCG 2017
P. 67


         The Houston County Volunteer Medical
         Clinic serves adults who are working (or
         their spouse works) at least part time, and
         family income is 200% of poverty level or less.

              • HOUST ON COUNTY •
            The Houston County Health
      Department aims to enhance residents’         The health department
      quality of life with the wide array of   also offers sexually transmitted disease
      healthcare services offered.        treatment; HIV testing; eye, ear and dental   Office Hours:
            Women’s health services include   screening; flu shots; various lab tests; com-  Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.,
      family planning information, breast exams,   munity CPR and first aid classes; employ-  Tuesday, 10 a.m. -7 p.m.
      Pap smears, options for birth control, and   ment drug screening; and off-site vaccina-  Nurse’s Service Hours:
      referrals for mammograms. The Nurse   tion services for businesses. Additionally,   Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
      Family Partnership Program is offered   the health department offers travel vac-  WIC Office Hours:
                                                                              Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
      through referrals for first-time mothers   cines via its travel clinic and medications
      and runs through birth to 2 years of age.   by appointment only.             WIC (Women, Infants and Children)
      Child health services provided by the     Houston County Health Department    provides nutrition counseling and WIC
      health department include well-child   98 Cohen Walker Dr.             services to eligible participants. Pregnancy
      check-ups for children birth through age   Warner Robins, GA 31088     tests and applications for Presumptive
      19 and immunizations.                478-218-2000                      Pregnancy Medicaid are also available.    healthcare

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