Page 76 - Robins Region NCG 2017
P. 76
The labor force within a 30 minute
commute radius of Houston County
equals approximately 175,000 workers.
River with a public barge dock in Columbus.
The Robins Region is serviced by Norfolk-
Southern for freight rail service in the area. and open the
community to opportunities
• OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUR BUSINESS • for recruiting manufacturing and
With the largest industrial complex in distribution operations.
Georgia strategically located in Houston The Houston County Development
County, immense growth can be seen Authority in 2016 was recognized by the • LABOR FORCE AND TRAINING •
especially in the areas of Highway 96, Georgia Economic Developers Association
Watson Boulevard and Russell Parkway. for the “Deal of the Year” in the Large The Robins Region’s highly skilled
All of these areas are expected to continue Population Category for securing the workforce is a major attraction that draws
seeing a boom in developments. The location/expansion of Sandler Nonwoven businesses and industries to the area.
Chamber can put new businesses in contact Corporation, one of the largest nonwoven In this military-focused region. A large
with member-realtors who can help clients manufacturersin the world. The company population of workers are well-trained,
find the perfect location for their needs. chose Houston County because of its military personnel from the Robins Air
The Houston County Development excellent workforce, transportation, and Force Base and more than 100 other
Authority maintains a website with quality of life. As it relocates to the Robins aerospace businesses in the area, making
information on available buildings, sites, Region, the project is expected to create it easy to find technologically-equipped
incentives and other information. The more than 250 direct, indirect, and induced and disciplined personnel who will fit your
Authority has more than 3,000 acres of land jobs with a projected economic impact of business’ needs.
dedicated to industrial development. One $90 million in the local community. The area is also served by excellent economic development
667-acre site is located on Interstate 75 and Houston County Development Authority public and private schools, whose students
is GRAD certified and ready for development. Angie Gheesling, Executive Director surpass the state in standardized tests
An 877-acre rail site is located on the east 200 Carl Vinson Pkwy. including the SAT. Beyond high school,
side of Houston County, and the other Warner Robins, GA 31088 there are many higher education institutions
388-acre site borders Highway 247 close 478-923-5470 that offer degrees ranging from world-class
economic development
to Interstate 16. These sites are diverse aerospace and aviation degrees to MBAs. • 478-922-8585 • 478-922-8585 73