Page 15 - Athens Newcomers Guide 2023
P. 15


           the Cherokee name for path, honea, may   The construction of Chiquola Mill in
           be a double name for the place. When   1902 transitioned Honea Path’s economy   and Timken, which produces automotive
           the town was chartered in 1885, Honey   from small farm agriculture to a leading   bearings and transmissions.
           Path was recorded in several places, but   textile center. The four-story cotton mill     Honea Path is along the South
           in 1917 the town was incorporated as   operated until 2003. Community leaders   Carolina National Heritage Corridor. One
           Honea Path.                      are studying the 21-acre historic site for   of Anderson County’s oldest structures
             One of South Carolina’s smallest   redevelopment opportunities.   is the Obediah Shirley Home, built after
           towns, Honea Path during the earliest     Manufacturing continues to thrive,   1824 with rough-hewn logs and wrought
           railroad years provided a water stop on   anchored by Milliken Company, which   by a blacksmith. It is preserved today
           the Greenville and Columbia Railroad.   specializes in protective floor coverings,   and listed on the National Register
                                                                               of Historic Places. Honea Path is the
                                                                               smallest town in the nation with a
                                                                               Carnegie Library, built in 1908, which
                                                                               remains in use as a branch of the
                                                                               Anderson County Library.

                                                                                    GRAPHICS  |  STATS AREA
                                                                               Incorporated ....................................... 1917
                                                                               Population .........................................3,659
                                                                               Address ...................... 204 S. Main Street
                                                                                            Honea Path, SC 29654
                                                                               Phone ...............................(864) 369-2466
                                                                               Council Meets ................ 3rd Tuesdays –
                                                                                       Watkins Community Center
                                                                                              Courtroom – 6 p.m.
                                                                               Facebook .............. @TownofHoneaPath

                                                                               TOWN OF IVA
                                                                                 Dr. Augustus Cook brought the town
                                                                               of Cook’s Station in the southern part
                                                                               of Anderson County into being in the
                                                                               late 1800s as a station for the Seaboard
                                                                               Railroad. Another same-named town
                                                                               existed in the state, so the doctor
                                                                               renamed it Iva for his daughter, Iva
                                                                               Cook Bryson.
                                                                                 Iva is founded in agriculture and
                                                                               manufacturing. Jackson Textile Mill
                                                                               and Iva Manufacturing both employed
                                                                               many residents.

                                                             2023 Anderson County Membership Directory & Newcomers Guide   11
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