Page 17 - Athens Newcomers Guide 2023
P. 17

             A young surveyor, John Franks, was     Farmer West Williams discovered a
           living in Pelzer in the early 1900s. Pelzer   clear, mineral spring on his property in
           manufacturing prohibited three things –   1842. The waters’ medicinal properties
           gambling, alcohol, and dogs – so in 1913   became renowned and the town, then
           Mr. Franks crossed the railroad tracks   known as Mineral Springs, began to be
           to incorporate a new town, Frankville,   nicknamed “Saratoga of the South”, a   Address ........................12 W. Main Street
           becoming West Pelzer in 1918.    referral to New York’s similar spring.         Williamston, SC 29697
             Today, West Pelzer is known for its     The town became a major resort   Phone ................................(864) 847-7473
           eclectic community spirit – hosting   with railroad service, and by 1852 was   Council Meets .................1st Mondays –
           festivals and events year-round that   changed to Williamston. Mr. Williams set   Town Hall – 6:00 p.m.
           appeal to everyone, from street fairs   land aside to preserve the spring and to   Website
           to poetry contests, dog shows and   build schools and churches.    Social Media ................................................
           community cookouts.                Around the turn of the century             FB: @townofwilliamston;
                                            the cotton mills settled near the river           Tw: mswilliamston;
                GRAPHICS  |  STATS AREA     and played major roles in shaping           Ins: mainstreetwilliamston
           Incorporated ....................................... 1918  the community.
           Population ...........................................1,136    The Williamston of the 21st century is   UNINCORPORATED
           Address .............................30 Main Street  a growing community with easy access   COMMUNITIES
                        West Pelzer, SC 29669  to metropolitan areas and a moderate     Anderson County includes a few
           Phone ................................(864) 947-6297  cost of living.  communities that do not operate under
           Council Meets .... 2nd Tuesdays – West                             a town government. These include:
               Pelzer Municipal Center – 6 p.m.   GRAPHICS  |  STATS AREA     •  Piedmont – population 6,122
           Website   Incorporated .......................................1852  •  Powdersville – population 9,436
           Facebook ................@townofwestpelzer    Population .........................................4,047  •  Townville – population 4,109

                                                             2023 Anderson County Membership Directory & Newcomers Guide   13
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