Page 13 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
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“Athens was built on top of a hill doesn’t sleep that much.” And
for a reason, but it compresses it’s not all students, as people
everything, such as the sidewalks are here visiting for conferences, Athens Convention
are narrower,” said David Lynn, wedding occasions, and sports and Visitors Bureau
the director of planning and events. It’s a steady influx of Check out and
outreach with Athens Downtown economic activity throughout pull up itineraries that call to your
Development Authority. “We just the year in downtown Athens. passions: foodie, history buff, craft beer
finished Clayton Street, our main enthusiast, sports fan, music lover, and
arts admirer.
retail corridor, a three block-plus “We want everyone to be
project where we created wider downtown!” said Jason Leonard, Athens Downtown
sidewalks for a better pedestrian the owner of Spirits on Washington Development
atmosphere. We added 3.5 feet and a board member with Athens Authority
on each side. It feels easier to Downtown Development Authority. Visit and
breathe when you’re walking “I hope everyone enjoys it, they click on the tabs that list downtown
down the sidewalk.” worked really hard. It was a big restaurants, music venues, and arts/
job – redoing your main street in culture destinations.
At West Broad Street, downtown downtown is no small feat.”
Athens and University of Georgia Athens Area
meet with historic architecture and Most of the public art is funded by Chamber of
canopied walks. Athens’ music the Cultural Affairs Commission Commerce
scene continues to thrive nightly with SPLOST’s 1 percent budget Since 1904, the Chamber has been the
in an eclectic array of venues — to public art projects. There are voice of business – big and small – as
a guiding partner in Athens’ industry.
from intimate acoustic to indie and several art projects additionally Visit: for ways
classical concert performances. placed by Athens Downtown to join if you’re seeking to
Development Authority. For tap into the energy.
A vibrant collection of independent example, about a dozen mosaic
shops and restaurants open their pieces by local artist Krysia Ara
doors in restored Victorian-era adorn industrial features along
structures. Diners can savor cuisine, the city’s blocks. “They’re kind of
desserts, drinks, and coffees like hidden features and take some
streetside or on a rooftop. You can relevance to where they are,”
wander through the downtown Lynn said.
Art Walk, ride the Athens Beer Trail
Trolley Tour, and plan for a favorite For those who live here, the
street festival. upgrades are welcoming.
Those visiting are finding
The Athens Downtown Athens looking sharp,
Development Authority administers always ready to be
beautification actions in the Central explored and loved.
Business District. As Lynn said,
“Downtown is heavily used, but
it looks good. We’re a city that