Page 13 - Athens NCG 2024
P. 13

Books for Keeps, and through the support     “It’s so wonderful and compelling to take     With the wraparound support of UGA
        of Get Comfortable Business Partners –   calls from the Governor’s office and the    research advisors, community advisors,
        companies aligning their generosity through   state Department of Education about    business partners, and volunteer mentors,
        the Get Comfortable Fund.           sharing our literacy model,” said Matt   so far 29 students who were reading below
          Books for Keeps trains Creature Comforts   Stevens, Community and Culture Director    grade level have joined their peers in
        employees, UGA students, and other   at Creature Comforts.              literacy proficiency.
        community volunteers and pairs them with     As the literacy program expands to     Get Comfortable is an example of how
        one or two second- or third-grade students   embrace more schools, more business   brewing great beer can tap into brewing
        for the school year. Each student is exposed   partners are invited to the call to serve.   even better communities.
        to an additional hour of literacy games and   More volunteers are needed to train as     For more information, to volunteer
        best practices instruction each week.  mentors with students – a background   as a mentor, and to join the business
          “The work they are doing with the   as an educator is not necessary.   community of support, visit:
        students amplifies what they’re doing in   Onboarding begins late summer for the
        the classroom,” added Broyard.      academic year.                      get-comfortable
          Literacy program mentors are in the
        school with their student(s) between 8 and
        10 a.m. Some mentors have volunteer time
        covered by their employers, are retired, or
        are heading into the office.
          “You get to see both sides of the
        enjoyment of that relationship,” said Colleen     Originally created in Athens by local residents, Creature Comforts Brewing
        Craven, Literacy Mentor Program Manager   Co. celebrates 10 years in 2024.
        with Books for Keeps. “In the first year, 82%     “It feels like we’re in middle school,” said Fenwick Broyard, Vice
        of our mentors reported observing growth   President of Brand Impact at Creature Comforts. “We are no longer in
        and confidence in reading aloud. We have   those start-up years and not yet a well-established institution either. There
        an activity that mentors do as they’re getting   are all these new opportunities: what to say yes to, say no to, how to stay
        to know their students called All about Me.   yourself as you scale.”
        They ask the kids, what do you want to be     The award-winning brewery is a purpose-driven B Corp-certified craft
        when you grow up? Two kids have replied   brewery. A Certified B Corp is a for-profit corporation certified by B
        that they want to be mentors just like them!”  Lab, a nonprofit that measures a company’s social and environmental
          The word is getting out that effective   performance. Last fall they opened a Los Angeles brewery and taproom to
        change is happening in Clarke County   extend Southern hospitality to the West Coast.
        School District.

 Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800  Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800  Legacy is Brewing  9
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