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Athens Area

        Chamber of Commerce                                                        Every year, the Chamber hosts a

                                                                                   golf tournament to benefit the
        120 Years Promoting the Athens Area Business Scene                         Clarke County Mentor Program
                                                                                   to continue our decades-long
                                                                                   partnership with this critical
            ounded in 1904, your Athens Area    •    Maximize your workforce development   community resource.  Join 100
            Chamber of Commerce is the essential   through the Chamber’s programming.  golfers and dozens of volunteers
       Fbusiness champion for Athens – the   •    Learn more about industry trends    who contribute to this fundraiser
        premier community for creativity, innovation,   as the Athens Area Chamber is the   held on the UGA Golf Course
        and economic development.             crucial liaison between local business
           We love being a part of Athens’    and local government.
        prosperous, eclectic culture and look
                                               Your Chamber is a membership-based,
        forward every day to our work in serving     nonprofit organization of businesses and
        the community. Athens Area Chamber of                                   Chamber Strategic Plan 2027
        Commerce convenes the entrepreneurs, the   we welcome visitors and residents to our   Building a valued and valuable workforce
        dreamers, and the community heroes who   downtown hub daily from 8:30 am to 5 pm   is the most important long-term work the
                                            (Fridays until 3).
        work to mobilize an economy that expands                                Chamber can undertake. “I am grateful that
        for all Athenians.                  Athens Area Chamber of Commerce     we have put the “flag in the ground” to
           With 850+ members representing 9,000   246 West Hancock Ave., Athens  claim our role,” said  Athens Area Chamber
        employees, the Athens Area Chamber of   706-549-6800 |     President and CEO David Bradley. “Career/
        Commerce seeks avenues to build a robust            workforce development is a Pre-K to
        business climate. Your Chamber serves as                                Employment job. We are grateful for the
        the voice of business for Athens, the regional                          support and opportunity in front of us.”
        commercial hub for Northeast Georgia.
                                                                                Workforce Strategic Plan primary goals:
          Why Join the Athens Area Chamber?                                     •   Expand 3rd grade reading literacy
        You can:                                                                •     Provide career guidance in
        •    Elevate the profile of your business/                                 middle school
          organization for brand recognition                                    •     Unequaled connectivity between
          regionally, and beyond.                                                  business and education leaders
        •    Learn best practices, meet like-minded                             •     Creative job portal with personal
          business professionals, and grow                                         Navigators to serve as liaison with
          your brand!                         Scan the code with your mobile to    prospective employer
        •    Receive support and guidance for    visit the Chamber’s website.
          entrepreneurial ecosystems.

        4                                                 Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800
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