Page 24 - Athens NCG 2024
P. 24

An Athens

        Education                                                    PreK to Ph.D.

             he Clarke County School District   district’s collaboration with University of   Board of Education and the local board
             (CCSD) serves nearly 12,500 students   North Georgia’s Oconee campus on the   of education where school districts
        T across 21 schools, providing every   Nighthawks Student Opportunities for   gain flexibility in most state regulations
        child with rigorous academic programs   Accelerated Readiness (SOAR) summer   in exchange for increased student
        and innovative environments. The district’s   academic enrichment program. This 3-week   achievement goals.
        mission is to ensure every graduate is   camp is designed for middle school students     The district is also home to the Athens
        college and career ready and, in a position   to keep them engaged in learning.  Community Career Academy which, in
        to succeed — that they are ready to lead,     The district renewed its status as a   partnership with Athens Technical College,
        become agents of change, and positively   charter system in July 2022. CCSD is   offers an innovative environment for high
        impact their communities.           one of 49 charter systems across the   school students to receive career-focused,
          The Clarke County School District is   state. A charter system is one of three   college-level courses. The academy has
        one of the recipients of the 2023 Leading   governance models the State of Georgia   state-of-the-art electronic classrooms, a
        Edge Award by the Georgia School Boards   requires school districts to select. Charter   student-managed cafe, and a food court
        Association. This award shines on the   systems operate between the State   for students. Program offerings include

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