Page 25 - Athens NCG 2024
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music programs are supported by Athens’     Foothills Regional High School is
                                            creative communities. Organizations such   a welcoming place for students who
                                            as AthFest Educates, Athens-Clarke County   cannot work on a high school diploma
                                            Leisure Services, and even homegrown rock   during the traditional school day. Foothills
                                            band Widespread Panic provide learning   offers an option for high school-aged
                                            opportunities in the fine arts to create   students who wish to earn an accredited
                                            spaces for students to apply and connect   Georgia High School Diploma. Classes
                                            skills across all areas of learning.  are offered from 4:30-8:30 pm Monday
                                              Our schools thrive on robust      through Thursday.
                                            collaborations among educators, parents,     Courses are mastery-based, which
                                            businesses, and civic organizations,   means students cannot fail a course.
                                            including partnerships with local   Foothills offers a variety of course formats,
                                            organizations such as the Athens Area   including web-based instruction with
                                            Chamber of Commerce, Foundation for   live teachers. Foothills is also successful
                                            Excellence in Education, Books for Keeps,   because of its student support team, which
                                            and Envision Athens. These partners   includes mentors for each student, career
                                            share a commitment to educational   specialists, counselors, and social workers.
        ABOVE: Clarke County School District  achievement for today’s students and the     Sixteen Foothills schools across the
        TOP RIGHT: Foothills Regional High School
                                            preparedness of tomorrow’s workforce.  North-Middle Georgia region offer a
                                            595 Prince Ave., Athens, GA 30606   full range of high school courses in a
                                            706-546-7721 |     self-paced format. Tuition is free for

        accounting, cosmetology, criminal justice,
        early childhood education, engineering,
        nursing, and welding.                                                             2,500
          Additionally, the district provides high-       Schools        Students        Faculty
                                                                                         & Sta
        quality education and support services to
        pregnant women, infants, and preschool
        children at its two Early Learning Centers.
        The goal of these programs is to fully
        engage parents in the educational                           3           2 AP Honor          $8
        process so that students can experience              (Athens Community Career   High Schools  Million
        school success.                                      Academy, 2 Early Learning       in scholarships awarded
                                                                                              for graduates in 2023
          Honored as one of the Best                         Centers, and an Alternative
                                                               Education Center)
        Communities for Music Education by     Source: National Center for Education Statistics 2022-2023 school year
        the NAMM Foundation, robust art and

 Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800  Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800  Education  21
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