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Georgia's largest public universities. The   the workforce, and life. Piedmont is a   the next generation grows stronger
        university offers more than 100 programs,   comprehensive liberal arts institution with   today through global research, hands-on
        including certificates, associate degrees,   four colleges in the arts and sciences,   learning, and extensive outreach.
        bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and   business, education, and nursing.   There are 18 distinct schools and
        doctoral programs.                  These deliver 80 programs of study for   colleges to prepare for a future in the
          UNG's Oconee Campus combines the   students achieving bachelor’s, master’s,   global marketplace.
        resources of a large academic institution   and doctoral degrees, and the Education     UGA is No. 20 Best Public University in
        with a small-campus environment. With   Specialist degree.              America, according to U.S. News and World
        almost 2,300 students, the Oconee     Piedmont University’s 300-acre    Report. Georgia’s flagship university
        Campus gives students the opportunity to   residential campus is in Demorest,   thrives in a community that combines a
        forge strong connections with classmates   Georgia. The satellite campus in Athens   culture-rich college town with a strong
        and receive individualized attention   offers degree-completion programs in a   economic center.
        from professors. Incoming freshmen can   variety of majors that combine flexible   212 Terrell Hall, Athens, GA 30602
        begin college on the Oconee Campus   daytime, evening, and online classes.    706-542-3000 |
        and complete an associate degree that
        seamlessly transitions to the Gainesville   View all degree programs:
        Campus or Dahlonega Campus for
        completion of their bachelor's degree.   1282 Prince Ave., Athens, GA 30606  University of Georgia
        UNG Oconee Campus                   706-548-8505 |
        1201 Bishop Farms Pkwy.
        Watkinsville, GA  30677               Chartered by the State of Georgia
        706-310-6201 |              in 1785, University of Georgia is the
                                            birthplace of public higher education in
          Piedmont University provides      America – launching our nation’s great
        personalized education designed to   tradition of world-class public education.
        help students for higher levels of study,   What began as a commitment to inspire

                                                                                           University of North Georgia

 Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800  Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800  Education  27
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