Page 41 - Athens NCG 2024
P. 41

Athens Workforce

        Development                                                                 In business forecasting, the

                                                                                  dean of the Terry College of
                                                                                  Business at UGA, Ben Ayers, said
                                                                                  last December at the annual
                                                                                  UGA Georgia Economic Outlook
        Cultural Magnet for Business & Talent                                     series: “Georgia is well positioned
                                                                                  to weather an economic slowdown,
              thens is a fabulous place to live,     The state’s flagship university –   and our economy will outperform
              which means a higher quality of   University of Georgia – is here, along   the U.S. economy. Our economy
        A life for people who live and work   with Athens Technical College. Add the   will not bust.”
        here or commute to our region.      students enrolled at University of North     In other predictions, Ayers
          Athens benefits from a wealth of   Georgia’s Oconee campus and Piedmont   pointed out that:
        educational and workforce training   University’s Athens campus, and the   •   The number of jobs in Georgia
        opportunities in the community. From   Athens area is home to more than 50,000   will rise by 0.7% which is
        a world-class public university to a   college students.                    higher than the national job
        leading technical college system serving     Many of the Athens area industries   growth rate of 0.3%.
        the Athens area, Athens has the highly   have experienced multiple expansions,   •   Georgia welcomed another
        educated, innovative population that   including Boehringer Ingelheim Animal   record year of economic
        businesses want, and the training   Health, which is building a new Global   development projects in
        programs and resources they need. About   Innovation Center that brings new   2023: 426.
        90% of Clarke County residents have at   research and development and jobs   •   Inflation, which hit 8% last
        least a high school diploma and nearly   to their Athens campus. Athens is an   year, will be cut in half this
        half, 47.9%, have earned a bachelor's   advanced manufacturing and bioscience   year to 4% and continue to fall.
        degree or higher.                   talent pipeline.

 Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800  Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800  Workforce Development  37
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