Page 48 - Athens NCG 2024
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Athens Business &


        Where Quality of Life and                                 Oak House Distillery

        Strong Business Thrive Together

              thens blends its low cost of doing     Invest Athens, the Athens-Clarke   and single-use systems for production of
              business with state-of-the-art   County Economic Development      pharmaceuticals, biologics, and cell and
        Ainfrastructure and a talented      Department, works with companies    gene therapies would invest nearly
        workforce to create an ideal environment   to select sites, provide small business   $250 million in a new facility and create
        for business success. All of this takes   resources, connect workforce training   1,785 jobs in Athens.
        place in the state that has been named by   and support, and assist them to efficiently     Athens is widely recognized as a
        Area Development magazine as the No. 1   navigate the site development process,   creative and innovative community, home
        state for business for an unprecedented   among other things, to help leaders   to a thriving entertainment scene and
        10th consecutive year. No other state has   succeed here, and beyond.    hugely successful base of manufacturing
        earned this.                          As the eastern anchor of Georgia’s   companies. From biotechnology and
          Athens continues to be home to    Innovation Crescent, not only is    pharmaceuticals, healthcare sciences,
        Fortune 500 companies and dynamic    Athens in one of the nation’s most   craft beverages, brewing and distilling
        entrepreneurial spaces that are touched   economically vibrant locations, but also   and advanced manufacturing research
        by the innovation and dedication of   it is well-positioned to attract talent. In   and development, and the creative
        business owners, start-up founders,   April 2023, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp   economy, companies benefit from
        creative entrepreneurs, plant managers,   announced that Meissner, a leading   Athens’ central location and skilled,
        and enterprising local talent.      manufacturer of advanced microfiltration   well-educated workforce.

      44                                                  Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800
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