Page 6 - Barrow Visitors Guide
P. 6
Auburn R.H. Burel Park


City of Hometown Values

Numerous revitalization
Established in projects include an impres-
1892, Auburn sive new library, 5 parks
(named for the within the City limits,
renovation of the old Post
red clay that Office for small events, a
abounds there) new downtown overlay
district and, coming in the
was a railroad near future, a regional arts
hub between center. Auburn Station, a
planned suburban village,
Athens & Atlanta. will have apartments,
shops, trails, restaurants,
Regarded highly for its and more!
focus on education, Auburn With a solid vision for
has been home to several development, explosive
academies, prep schools growth on the horizon and
and Perry-Rainey College. an enthusiastic community
This beautiful city of over spirit, Auburn’s future suc-
7,500 residents has had cess is assured.
slow but steady
growth over the
years. Consid-
ered one of the
fastest grow-
ing areas in the
United States, it
is expected to
be home to
more than
20,000 residents
within the next
15 years. ?4th of July Celebration

6 Barrow County Visitors Guide
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